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fertitta互动社交网站终极游戏(Ultimate Gaming)本周推出

发表于 2012-5-26 13:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
fertitta互动,拉斯维加斯站赌场老板Fertitta娱乐在线的手臂,将推出其免费玩网站Ultimate Gaming,这个星期。该网站将搭载由游戏开发商的Cyber​​Arts Fertitta互动在10月收购后凿沉其潜在的合资企业,与Full Tilt Poker的黑色星期五事件后。网站上的第一场比赛将是终极扑克,这将使得其Facebook亮相本星期五。 fertitta互动董事长汤姆·百年灵告诉eGamingReview宾果产品,将按照扑克推出。一个移动应用程序,计划于今年晚些时候发布。

在1在拉斯维加斯新闻界宣布的交易会议,百年灵说,该公司将借鉴网上扑克和Fertitta娱乐的终极战斗锦标赛(UFC)混合专营武术艺术,由弗兰克Fertitta三和洛伦佐Fertitta(右图)之间的相似之处严重。 “甲基丙烯酸甲酯]几乎是相同的人口。在线扑克终极游戏CEO托宾海报说:”UFC的社交范围广泛 - 8米Facebook的喜欢和2.4米的Twitter追随者 - 将使该公司以提高游戏网站的认识TOUT的套房。官方促销活动将于7月7日,在UFC 148的FX频道播出。

fertitta互动已申请内华达州在线扑克牌,百年灵说,该公司将准备从第1天“免费播放切换到真钱”后的监管没关系。 Cyber​​Arts创始人/ Fertitta互动首席技术官克里斯Derossi的说,该公司的使命是“关心游戏的人提供了一个真实的体验。我们从社会方面的游戏到真金白银空间,我们将有严重的球员。“(严重的,或蜡样芽胞杆菌?将许多在线扑克玩家的第一联想可能会与终极扑克终极投注/绝对扑克,两个丑闻缠身的的蜡状网络,已与甲醛注入自从黑色星期五法律行动的网站,只要说的了。)

像大多数总部设在美国的赌场,希望拓展到在线扑克服装,百年灵是“完全支持”一个联邦监管的计划。 “我们宁愿一个在线扑克唯一的法案,这将使所有其他游戏非法。但是,它在一个国家的国家的做法非常快。“百年灵说,该公司正准备按照”上推出由国家的合作模式“。 (Fertitta收购Cyber​​Arts之前,该软件装备已经签署跳过布朗森的美国数字游戏,以应付状态,通过的国家基础上,美国的伙伴关系。),无论百年灵想超越美国边界,相信该网站1“全球机会“

Fertitta Interactive’s social site Ultimate Gaming to launch this week

Fertitta Interactive, the online arm of Las Vegas-based Station Casinos’ owner Fertitta Entertainment, will launch its free-to-play Ultimate Gaming site this week. The site will be powered by games developer CyberArts, which Fertitta Interactive acquired in October after scuttling its prospective joint venture with Full Tilt Poker following the events of Black Friday. The first game on the site will be Ultimate Poker, which will make its Facebook debut this Friday. Fertitta Interactive chairman Tom Breitling told eGamingReview that a bingo product would follow the poker launch. A mobile app is planned for release later this year.

At a press conference in Vegas announcing the deal, Breitling said the company would draw heavily on the parallels between online poker and Fertitta Entertainment’s Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) mixed martial arts franchise, run by Frank Fertitta III and Lorenzo Fertitta (pictured right). “[MMA] is almost the same demographic as online poker.” Ultimate Gaming CEO Tobin Poster said the UFC’s broad social networking reach – 8m Facebook ‘likes’ and 2.4m Twitter followers – will enable the company to ramp up awareness of the gaming site tout de suite. The official promo campaign will kick off July 7 during the UFC 148 broadcast on the FX Channel.

Fertitta Interactive has applied for a Nevada online poker license, and Breitling says the company will be ready to switch from free-play to real-money “from Day 1” following the regulatory okay. CyberArts founder/Fertitta Interactive CTO Chris Derossi said the company’s mission was “to provide an authentic experience for people who care about the game. As we move from the social side of gaming to a real money space, we will have serious players.” (Serious, or Cereus? The first association many online poker players will likely make with Ultimate Poker will be Ultimate Bet/Absolute Poker, the two scandal-plagued Cereus Network sites that have been injected with formaldehyde ever since the Black Friday legal actions. Just sayin’.)

Like most US-based casino outfits looking to branch out into online poker, Breitling is “fully supportive” of a federally regulated scheme. “We would prefer an online poker-only bill, which would make all other games illegal. But it’s moving very quickly on a state-by-state approach.” Breitling says the company is prepared to follow a “partnership model” on a state-by-state rollout. (Before Fertitta acquired CyberArts, the software outfit had inked a partnership with Skip Bronson’s US Digital Gaming to tackle the US on a state-by-state basis.) Regardless, Breitling is thinking beyond US borders, believing the site represents a “global opportunity.”
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