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发表于 2012-5-30 22:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Here's a list of common terms and abbreviations used in the NL forums.
AKQJT - Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten(10)
UTG - Under the Gun, first player to act preflop
UTG+1 - Under the Gun plus one, second player to act preflop
EP - early position
MP - middle position
LP - late position
OTB - On The Button
CO - Cut off, player one seat to the right of button
HJ - Hijack, player two seats to the right of button
SB - small blind小盲
BB - big blind大盲
c/c - check/call  过牌然后跟牌
c/f - check/fold 过牌然后弃牌
c/r - check/raise过牌然后加注
b/f - bet and fold to a raise 下注,如果有人加注就弃牌
3-bet - a bet, a raise, and then another raise.  The third action is a 3-bet. 有人下注,然后有人加注,然后有人再加注
b3b - Hero's plan is to bet, and then 3-bet if raised. 玩家计划下注然后一旦有人加注就立马再加注
reraise - raising the PFR  在翻牌前再加注第一个加注者
VB - value bet 价值下注
CB - continuation bet 连续下注
PSB - pot-sized bet  下注一个彩池
PSR - pot-sized raise 加注一个彩池
PFR - preflop raise or preflop raiser 翻牌前加注或者翻牌前的加注者
overbet - a bet amount larger than the current pot 下注的数量大于目前底池的数量(超彩池下注)
check behind - to check when it's been checked to you, usually after
betting action on previous street 当别人过牌时自己也过牌,一般都是代表自己在前面一条   街过下注
donkbet - either to lead into the PFR on the flop, or a tiny bet made in relation to the pot 翻牌前自己不是加注者而在翻牌圈领先下注,或者下了一个很小的注
thin value bet - usually a river bet made when it's unclear if you are ahead or not 一般指在河牌圈不知道自己是否领先的情况下的下注(薄加注下注)
Monotone - a flop of all the same suit 翻牌都是同一花的三张
Rainbow - a flop of all different suits  彩虹------翻牌时不同花色的三张
Overpair - having a pair in your hand higher than the biggest card on the board 有一个超过flop最大的牌的对子,比如翻牌时K98,而此时手上的AA就是超对
gutshot - an inside straight draw 中间卡顺比如 4578
TPTK - top pair top kicker 顶对顶踢脚 比如 AK在K89的翻牌,有顶对K,和最大踢脚A
TPWK - top pair weak kicker 顶对弱踢脚  比如 K9在KTJ的翻牌,有顶对K,但是踢脚9很弱
TPGK - top pair good kicker 顶对好踢脚  比如KJ在K89的翻牌,有顶对K,踢脚J还是很大的
TP2K - top pair 2nd best kicker--You have KQ, flop K72, you have top pair, 2nd best kicker (the Q) 顶对第二大踢脚 比如KQ在K89的翻牌,踢脚Q,仅次于A
TPCK - top pair crap kicker 顶对烂踢脚 如K7在K89的翻牌,7的踢脚就很烂
TPBK - top pair bad kicker 顶对没有踢脚 K2在K89的翻牌,2就是最小的踢脚,任何一个对K都比你大
9To - Nine Ten offsuit 9和10不同花
KJs - King Jack suited   K和J同花
Ax - An Ace with any second card A和一个不是A的踢脚
Kxx - refers to a King high flop  指的是K最高的翻牌,如K78
Q73r - r = rainbow flop  此时的r代表翻牌的三张牌花色不同,rainbow彩虹的缩写r
OESD - open ended straight draw 两头听顺 如89在67K这样的牌,两头听5和T(ten的缩写)
OESFD - open ended straight flush draw 两头听的同花顺 如8s9s在6s7sKh的听牌(来任意的s或者任意的5,T即成同花或顺子)
pp - pocket pair 口袋对子(翻牌前就持有的对子)
sc - suited connector (同花连牌)
EV - Expected Value 期望值
OOP - out of position 没有位置
FE - fold equity  弃牌率
AI - all-in  全压
ATC - any two cards 任何两张牌
UI - unimproved 没有得到改进的牌 如AA在 K53这样的牌面,和转牌圈来了一个A,就改进了,从对A到三条A(没有改进就是,转牌来了9,你的牌力仍然是对A)。
TAG - tight aggressive 紧凶
LAG - loose aggressive  松凶
LAP - loose passive  松且被动
sLAG - slightly loose aggressive 稍微有点松,很凶
MHIG - my hand is good 我的牌很好
MHING - my hand is no good 我的牌不好
WA/WB - way ahead, way behind 要么大大的领先要么大大的落后 比如手持AhAc在AsKsJsTs2h这样的牌面,要么大大领先对K,三条K等,要么大大落后顺子和同花
IMO - In my opinion 依我看
IMHO - In my humble opinion 我个人认为
JMO - Just my opinion 仅仅是我的个人观点
FYP - fixed your post 整理了一下你的帖子
OP - original post or poster 原创帖子
tl;dr - too long; didn't read 太长,没有看
QFT - quoted for truth 引用事实
x-post - post made in more than one forum at one time 帖子零零星星的发了几个部分
OT - off topic 跑题
lc - low content 差劲的评论
nc - no content 不做任何评论
goot - good 好
moran - moron 傻子
nh - nice hand 牛逼
meh - the sound you make when you shrug your shoulders signaling indifference; not great, not terrible. 不好也不坏
pwned - owned or pawned.  Usually means you got outplayed. 你被耍了
BB/100 - # of bb's won per 100 hands played 没一百手中盈利多少个大盲
PTBB/100 - poker tracker big blinds won per 100 hands played.  A PTBB is 2xBB. PTBB/100是每一百手中盈利多少小盲
~$7 - around $7 or about $7 大概7刀
FPS - fancy play syndrome 很有想象力的打法
aggro - aggressive 凶的玩家
SSNL - small stakes no limit 低额无限 像0.1/0.2这样的桌子
MSNL - mid stakes no limit 中额无限 像1/2这样的桌子
HSNL - high stakes no limit 高额无限 在10/20以上的桌子
NLHE - no limit hold 'em 无限德州扑克
LHE - limit hold 'em 有限德州扑克
BBV - the Beats, Brags, and Variance forum 发泄badbeat,吹牛逼,成绩波动版块
PT - Pokertracker 一种打牌辅助软件
VPIP - voluntarily put money in the pot 翻牌前自愿向底池投钱的频率,大小盲不算
AF - aggression factor 激进值
Villian is 24/10/3(98)- Pokertracker stats indicating VPIP/PFR%/AF (with preflop aggression taken out) over 98 hands
这种辅助软件上说 翻牌前自愿投钱频率/翻牌前加注频率/激进值(统计了98手)
GT+ - Gametime Plus 辅助软件
PA - PokerAce 一种辅助软件
PAHUD - PokerAce Heads Up Display 一种专门为单挑玩家量身定做的辅助软件
PP - Party Poker 派对扑克(已经禁止中国玩家)
PS, Stars - PokerStars 扑克之星
FT - Full Tilt 全倾斜扑克
UB - Ultimate Bet  一个欧洲扑克室
PL - pot limit 彩池限注
PF - pre-flop 翻牌前
HH - hand history 牌局记录
HU - heads up  单挑
FR - full ring 满桌(一般9人桌或10人桌)
FT - full table 桌上坐满了
FT - final table MTT最终桌
6m - 6-max 六人桌
NL100 - number indicates the buy-in; this is No Limit, with $1 BB's 大盲1刀的桌子,0.5/1,因为一般买入都是100倍大盲,所以也称NL100
Stop-n-Go - You bet, get raised, you call closing the action on that street, then lead out on the next street.
停然后开枪, 一般指你下注然后被加注了,这时你不想再加注,而是选择跟注,然后再下一街,率先开枪。(一般指没有位置的情况)
Float - You call a bet with a marginal hand or draw, usually on the flop
while in position, with the intent of stealing the pot on a later
Semi-bluff - betting/raising when you have a draw.
Stealing blinds - openraising in late position with less than premium hands.
blocking bet - often a river bet made OOP when an obvious draw hits on the end, where you bet and fold to a raise
effective stack - the smallest stack amongst the players remaining in the hand.

100       刀, 对手只有50刀,那么你的实际有效筹码只有50刀,另外的50刀不参与游戏。
trips - flop is JJ8, you hold KJ, you have trips 明三条
set - flop is K42, you hold 44, you have a set 暗三条
pot control - attempting to keep the pot small with a marginal holding 控制彩池
minraise - raising the lowest amount possible  小额加注。一般加注都是3倍到3.5倍左右,如果有人下注10刀,你加注到20刀,就是小额加注。
发表于 2012-7-29 00:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-8-2 22:56 | 显示全部楼层
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