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PPA Membership Nearing Half A Million

发表于 2007-5-16 05:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Remarkable growth in six months

A new feature article on the PPA site by Dan Cypra of the PocketFives.com portal reveals that the Association has enjoyed an astonishing growth in membership to almost 500 000 - most of it since the advent late last year of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in the USA.

The US law, which attacks financial transactions with online gambling sites, appears to have given added impetus to the growth of the players' pressure group, which is headed by Michael Bolcerek and former US Senator Alfonse D'Amato.

When the act was passed last year the group had a membership of some 120 000, but Cypra reveals that only six months later this numbers 489 667 and counting.

In his article, Cypra reviews the recent history of the PPA and discusses the encouraging new legislative moves that seek to modify the draconian UIGEA by introducing a regulated and legalised industry in the US paying fair taxes.

Bolcerek encourages all poker players to sign up with the PPA to make its collective leverage even stronger, and urges players to fax or write their Congressman to voice their support of the Congressman Barney Frank bill proposing the change to a regulatory regime in the US.

"You have to convince them," Bolcerek says in the article, "that this is a better alternative than the legislation currently in place and I think the arguments are there."

Five levels of Poker Players' Association membership are now available, including a no-cost introductory membership, and registration only takes a few minutes on the PPA Web site.
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