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发表于 2013-4-13 07:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


“Ifrah HID关键性的文件,”该诉讼称。 Ifrah了伊利“错误的意见,关于扑克的处理,这样他就可以从伊利,全速扑克和扑克之星(PokerStars)的一个意外的收获。”


在内华达州法院提交的20页的起诉书,Ifrah对伊利和其他人向联邦检察官提供证词和信息,以避免被起诉。伊利称,Ifrah没有透露政府律师,他协助伊利获得全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)和PokerStars扑克之星(PokerStars)的扑克支付处理账户,收取佣金支付。

伊利的打击力度上,看到联邦政府关闭美国的网站扑克之星(PokerStars)和全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)在线扑克的一部分在2011年4月被起诉的11个人之一。在随后的几个月里,联邦调查局称为全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)的庞氏骗局的方式偷工减料后,它已不再能够访问的金融体系,这一天,许多美国人谁有钱在全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)尚未偿还。

高薪的律师所起的作用是在线扑克热潮的一个重要特征。知名律师像凯瑟琳Hanaway的,在密苏里州的美国前司法部长,写作法律意见,被视为支持的行业。许多律师兑换现金,作为行业蓬勃发展,特别是因为它的合法性目前还不清楚。事实上,即使是司法部感到困惑。 2011年年底,美国司法部倒装以失败告终之一,其最重要的网上赌博的立场,声称线法只适用于体育博彩和在线扑克。


在2009年,伊利保留Ifrah,也为扑克之星(PokerStars),全速和银行在犹他被称为太阳第一银行,获取信息,处理金融交易相关的在线扑克的合法性,根据投诉。 Ifrah鼓励伊利通过银行,他介绍到伊利和Ifrah的财务利益伊利,扑克之星(PokerStars)和全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker)扑克公司处理事务,投诉说。



Jailed Online Poker Payment Processor Sues His Former Lawyer For Malpractice

A Las Vegas businessman who is currently serving jail time for processing online poker payments filed a lawsuit this week against his former lawyer for professional malpractice, claiming the lawyer misled him about the legalities of processing poker because the lawyer wanted to continue pocketing rich commissions.

Chad Elie, who pleaded guilty last year to charges of conspiring to commit bank fraud and operating an illegal gambling business, claims that he paid Jeff Ifrah $4 million, including $1 million in commission payments from Elie’s payments processing company. At one point, Elie claims, Ifrah was receiving $100,000 per month from 21 Debit as a commission on procuring deals with the banks that processed poker transactions.

“Ifrah hid critical documentation,” the lawsuit claims. Ifrah gave Elie “wrong advice regarding poker processing so that he could make a windfall from Elie, 全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker) and Pokerstars.”

Ifrah declined to quickly comment on the lawsuit because he had not yet seen the complaint.

According to the 20-page complaint filed in Nevada state court, Ifrah provided testimony and information against Elie and others to federal prosecutors in order to avoid being indicted. Elie claims that Ifrah failed to disclose to government lawyers that he was receiving commission payments for assisting Elie in getting poker payment processing accounts with 全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker) and PokerStars.

Elie was one of 11 individuals who were indicted in April 2011 as part of the crackdown on online poker that saw the federal government shut down the U.S. facing web sites of PokerStars and 全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker). In the months that followed, the feds called 全速扑克(Full Tilt Poker) a Ponzi scheme for the way it cut corners after it was no longer able to access the financial system and to this day many Americans who had money with Full Tilt have not been repaid.

The role played by highly paid lawyers was an important feature of the online poker boom. Well known lawyers like Catherine Hanaway, a former U.S. Attorney in Missouri, penned legal opinions that were seen as supportive of the industry. Many lawyers cashed-in as the industry blossomed, particularly because its legality was unclear. In fact, even the Department of Justice was confused. In late 2011, the Justice Department flip-flopped on one of its most important online gambling positions, claiming the Wire Act only applied to sports betting and not online poker.

Payment processors also profited in the online poker boom and were an important cog allowing the industry to grow. Elie became one of the most high-profile online poker processors and even married a former Playboy Playmate, Destiny Davis, the day after he was indicted.

In 2009, Elie retained Ifrah, who was also working for Pokerstars, Full Tilt and a bank in Utah known as Sun First Bank, to obtain information regarding the legalities of processing financial transactions related to online poker, according to the complaint. Ifrah encouraged Elie to process transactions for the poker companies through banks he introduced to Elie and Ifrah received financial benefits from Elie, Pokerstars and Full Tilt, the complaint says.

In 2010, Ifrah received a memorandum from the law firm of Akin Gump that detailed discussions between the firm’s lawyers and government lawyers in Manhattan that “confirmed to Akin Gump and Ifrah that third party poker processing was illegal,” the complaint says. But Elie claims that Ifrah failed to disclose this memorandum to Elie.

Elie is currently serving a five-month prison sentence in a federal jail in Taft, Calif., and is scheduled to be released at the end of June.
发表于 2013-9-23 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-10-10 20:26 | 显示全部楼层
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