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Ladbrokes Shares Rise After Nearly Losing Millions

发表于 2007-4-8 07:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


德利本周建议客户到长期和短期的立博组888在线游戏,其股价目前正在支持希望收购庄家。 888下跌1.75p向124.25p 。


彗星路加福音巴特勒报告说,一个客户在立博博彩商店旱田,斯蒂芬艾治,中放置了一个2英镑百万富翁赌上周六,并在预测的结果, 15场比赛那一天感谢已故的目标苏格兰,布里斯托城,斯肯索普和加纳,积累了超过四点七零零万英镑。


虽然哈特尔普尔达林顿队的第一项比赛,结果在两个其他游戏结束后他离开卢克与安慰他£ 47,651.47 。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-24 03:43 | 显示全部楼层


Amicable agreement to abandon "discussions"

The widespread speculation that Ladbrokes and 888.com were making merger talk can now cease following an announcement from both companies that their discussions regarding " a business transaction" have been abandoned by mutual and amicable agreement.

Most of the UK business media reported that betting group Ladbrokes and online gaming firm 888 were no longer in talks regarding a possible deal.

Speculation started back in October last year when the two companies held meetings, but it is said that the discussions were interrupted and delayed by the US legislative development of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act that seeks to disrupt online gambling financial transactions.

The International Herald Tribune claimed that Ladbrokes was looking at ways to cap any liability in the US which could arise from a takeover of 888 as America continues its crackdown on internet gambling. 888.com pulled out of the USA as a consequence of the UIGEA but had previously diversified geographically in its business activities and was not as badly hit as some of the other public companies.

Since the US legislation was introduced 888 has continued to build its business elsewhere, and was granted an online sports betting license in Italy in December and, in February, signed an agreement with the owner of Rileys, the chain of 168 snooker, pool and poker clubs, which will see 888 support the Rileys website.

Shares in the Gibraltar-based parent 888 Holdings PLC dropped 5.7 percent Monday after the company made the announcement that the talks were being discontinued.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 01:24 | 显示全部楼层

Ladbrokes Rejected By Finns Again

Supreme Court rules that Finnish government has the right to deny gambling application

A Ladbrokes application for recognition of its rights to enter the Finnish gambling market again met with failure this week.

Helsingin Sanomat business news reports that the Supreme Administrative Court (KHO) ruled that the Finnish Government had the legal right to deny Ladbrokes' application to run a betting operation in the country based on the fact that a license already had been granted to state-run gaming company Oy Veikkaus Ab.

Ladbrokes first applied for a license back in 2003.

According to a ruling handed down on Tuesday by the KHO, the government has a legal right to reject the application by gaming company Ladbrokes for a licence to arrange betting and gaming operations in Finland. The government decision was taken on the basis that a corresponding licence had already been awarded to Oy Veikkaus Ab, the state-owned national lottery and gaming company, and according to the 2002 Act on gaming, only one such licence can be in effect at any one time.
This was the second time the Ladbrokes application has been rebuffed. The company first sought a licence in 2003, but the government, via the Ministry of the Interior, rejected the proposal in 2004. A year later, the Court overturned the government decision and ordered it to be reconsidered, as the initial rejection was based simply on an interpretation of the Gaming Act, and not on the Ladbrokes' contention that the maintenance of a gaming monopoly was in contravention of EU rules on the free movement of services.
A second application was rejected in November 2005, and now KHO has responded to the appeal against this decision. The Court believes that the monopoly on gaming activities based on the Act on Gaming is in line with European Union legislation, and bases its decision on European Court of Justice rulings. These have stated that a national monopoly arrangement is acceptable when it is based on grounds of the public interest and is non-discriminatory.
KHO nevertheless noted that there are problems with Veikkaus operations, in particular with the marketing and product development activities of the company, which tend to be at odds with the avowed aim of the legislation to tackle the adverse effects of gambling.
Veikkaus, whose revenues from operations passes in large measure to the government, has actively marketed its products and services, thereby increasing turnover and indirectly the state's income from gambling.
The Supreme Administrative Court believes some of these difficulties can be overcome by developing the legislation, for example by raising the age limit for gaming to 18 and ensuring that advertising does not target minors.
The entire question of a gambling monopoly has been in the air for several years, particularly as Internet gambling has brought betting to computers in all Finnish homes. Ladbrokes has been particularly active in attempting to bring down the Veikkaus monopoly.
发表于 2007-5-17 00:07 | 显示全部楼层



开论坛的主说自己打牌多厉害,赢了鸟多,那肯定是骗新手的了! 不过套路很老了,现在新手也不会信的,呵呵~~   WANGPOKER我认为不错,虽然也开论坛,但从来不乱吹牛误导新手,我比较欣赏他!
很多论坛就是不老实,乱吹,有些干脆自己注册些马甲,冒充高手,自称打大牌,赢大钱,豁瓜娃子! 很让人鄙视! 要不就冒充漂亮婆娘,积极发水贴,吸引色狼跟贴,日,恶心!    都是些垃圾!



特别是 要不就冒充漂亮婆娘,积极发水贴,吸引色狼跟贴,日,恶心!    都是些垃圾!
这句话差点把我嘴巴都给笑歪了~~~~那时候嘴里的东西都快喷出来了,无忧子同学说话 真有个性啊~~

你说的那什么间谍我一看就联想到某博采公司,被多帐号搞的惨了,知道一些你们这些多帐户高人的活动规律,派间谍去那种什么 人在加拿大  人在意大利 之类的海外华人社区探听敌情,不知道我说的对不对,可没想过另外的东西啊。。。。。。
是有些人自己想象力太丰富,扯到首选去了~~~~我可从来没把首选归到什么海外论坛的范畴里去:biggrin: :tongue:

我知道N多什么红利资讯,免存,再存,特别红利,反佣反水之类的,我自己是不玩的,每次自己存钱都是被清掉,玩免存也是被清掉,:lovely:   呵呵,倒是玩免费心态超级之好,经常拿钱,命中注定是这样的啦。以后有空我拿那些东西出来给大家共享一下。

发表于 2007-5-17 02:26 | 显示全部楼层
她虽然很高傲,其实也同样需要关心与爱护了, 追女人 首先考虑的不是是否能够追的上,但是一定要追。 这样就不会后悔,哪怕被这个女人骂你是个无赖。  至于如何追 我就不是高手了。
这样类型的妹妹 一般都是找 自己喜欢的人,追一般成功概率不高的。 不过兄弟还是要努力行动,这样可以积累经验。

  记得以前我喜欢的女孩子我就想办法接近,然后表现自己, 唱歌 弹吉他 生日送洋娃娃,要她对你产生好感这样才感觉自然哦。我的方法 自己用还可以,不过方法很多了。  总之想到了 就去行动! 女人 就是让人追的 或者说 搞的, 别还没有开始就害怕这里 那里。  

  行动吧!  祝愿你 成功!
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-17 06:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 砖头 于 2007-5-17 02:26 发表
追女人 首先考虑的不是是否能够追的上,但是一定要追。
这样就不会后悔,哪怕被这个女人骂你是个无赖。 至于如何追 我就不是高手了。
这样类型的妹妹 一般都是 ...

发表于 2007-5-17 12:55 | 显示全部楼层
老大~  那是过去了。 说实话 成功的次数并不多。因为脸皮不厚,再如何行动脸还是厚不起来
  现在好点, 只要用钱砸, 最终还是发现用钱砸比较适合我:lol: :lol: :lol:
发表于 2007-5-17 13:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 砖头 于 2007-5-17 12:55 发表
老大~  那是过去了。 说实话 成功的次数并不多。因为脸皮不厚,再如何行动脸还是厚不起来
  现在好点, 只要用钱砸, 最终还是发现用钱砸比较适合我:lol: :lol: :lol:

发表于 2007-5-17 13:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-17 16:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-26 20:56 | 显示全部楼层

No Takeover for Ladbrokes

AFTER it reported an extremely strong start to 2007, Ladbrokes ruined many a speculator's lunch by ruling out any immediate takeover of the group, in particular a much touted bid by private equity group Apax Partners.

Takeovers and Ladbrokes have gone hand-in-hand for months now, even years.

Just over a year ago chief executive Chris Bell found himself ruling out a rumour that the company was about to be taken private.

The rumours have been fuelled by a history of corporate wheeling and dealing in the gaming sector. They were also helped by the fact that the gaming business of Ladbrokes had been cut loose from the larger group after the hotels business was sold to US giant Hilton Hotels Corporation for &#163;3.3bn, leaving the casino and bookmaking operation as a standalone company.

In the wake of that development, Bell said his brief was to prove that the group had a bright future as an independent, quoted company. The next step was to take the company international and partnerships were forged in markets such as Scandinavia and Greece, while it also entered into a consultancy deal with China Sport Lottery in Beijing.

Then there was the US and it is here where Bell, along with others in the industry, came up against a brick wall. Everyone knows the US market has huge potential, but until there is some change in American thinking on online gaming, it looks like an arena closed off to online operators, wherever they hail from.

The upshot of the heavy- handed treatment meted out by the US authorities to the executives of online poker firms was that Ladbrokes' share price dipped, sinking down to a low of &#163;3.76 last September, before it started to rebound.

The shares have since climbed back to their February peak of &#163;4.60, only to tail off once again as the reports of a possible takeover were discounted. In the wake of an extremely bullish trading statement issued last week, which highlighted the strong contribution from its Irish arm, Ladbrokes' stock has started to climb again and is now trading at around the &#163;4.13 mark.

Where does it go from here? With the US closed off it looks as though Ladbrokes and others in the gaming space are confined to Europe for further growth opportunities. The immediate outlook will therefore depend on its ability to leverage further value from its asset base without adding to its near-&#163;1bn debt pile.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-1 02:38 | 显示全部楼层

Promising Legal Gambling News For Ladbrokes

Norway could be in breach of European internal-market rules

Positive mid-week news from Luxembourg is that the European Free Trade Association court (EFTA) has ruled that the action by Norway in refusing UK gambling group Ladbrokes access to its gambling market could represent a breach of European internal-market rules.

A further hearing on the issue will now have to take place in a Norwegian court in Oslo, which will refer to the EFTA opinion in reaching a  judgement on the case.

Following a Norwegian government rejection of its attempt to obtain permission to operate in Norway, Ladbrokes sought legal relief, asking that the rules giving exclusive monopolies in lottery and sports betting to Norsk Tipping and Norsk Rikstoto be struck down.

Reuters reports that the EFTA court, sitting in Luxembourg, found that the Norwegian government measures did not genuinely address concerns of battling gambling addiction and crime - Oslo's justification for restricting commercial companies in the business.

"A system based on an exclusive right ... completely denies private operators access to the respective market and thus encroaches upon the freedom to provide services and the right of establishment," the EFTA court said in a statement.

Norway also said that gambling companies must use their money for socially beneficial purposes, but the court rejected that argument, saying: "The motive of financing benevolent or public-interest activities cannot in itself be regarded as an objective justification for restrictions on free movement."

The EFTA court, which deals with cases from non-EU countries Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, uses the same rule book as the European Union in issues of free movement of goods and capital, which often affect cross-border businesses, reports Reuters.

This means the top court of the EU 27-member bloc, the European Court of Justice (ECJ), sometimes takes EFTA judgments into account although there is no requirement to do so.

In March, the ECJ criticised Italy over restrictions placed on Stanley International Betting. The European Commission, whose decisions can be challenged at the ECJ, is currently investigating betting markets in Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 05:06 | 显示全部楼层

High Roller Action At Ladbrokes

Trading update shows "significant" big money bets on telephone service

The latest trading information from Ladbrokes indicates "...significantly increased levels of High Rollers’ Telephone betting activity," without venturing possible explanations for the phenomenon.

The income appears to be set to boost the Laddie telephone betting operating profit for the six months ended 30 June 2007 to around GBP 45 million more than during the same period last year.

"Otherwise, despite challenging conditions for UK Retail Over the Counter (OTC) business, Ladbrokes continues to trade in line with management’s expectations," the statement notes, confirming that results for the six months to 30 June 2007 will be announced on 9 August 2007.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 05:05 | 显示全部楼层

Ladbrokes Feeling Heat On Internet Poker?

Poker returns disappoint in latest interim report

Online poker operations at Ladbrokes, probably due to an increasingly competitive European business environment, disappointed investors when the e-gaming division of the gambling group released its interim six month numbers to the end of June this week.

Poker net revenue fell GBP 2.7million to GBP 15.7 million in the face of stiff competition in the UK and Scandinavian regions as active player numbers fell 15 percent to 422 000 and yield per unique active player fell 10.6 percent to GBP 144.

Other e-gambling operations fared better, with increased net revenues over the past six months. Overall gross rose 8.9 percent to GBP 72.5 million from GBP 67 million for the same period last year with unique active players rising 5 percent to 441 000.

Pre-tax profit before non-trading items for the group rose to GBP 161 million from GBP 155 million in the same period last year. Gross win rose to GBP 624 million from GBP 523 million while operating profit rose to GBP 195 million from GBP 151 million, aided by record results from telephone betting.

Ladbrokes also announced that its Italian retail business was up and running with 12 shops now trading.

Christopher Bell, chief executive, said the online business continued to perform satisfactorily, and that the company had experienced good growth in its online sportsbook, casino and gaming products to counter the poker performance.

Online sportsbook revenue rose 13.9 percent to GBP 27 million with gross win margin coming in at 7.9 percent. Casino net revenue grew by 14.4 percent to GBP 22.2 million. Games revenue rose 50 percent to GBP 7.5 million.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 05:06 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-19 00:19 | 显示全部楼层

Playwize & Ladbrokes 3D Online Poker Deal

Published: Monday, September 17, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Two year exclusive agreement

Publicly listed software developer Playwize plc (formerly Bits Corp plc) has inked a development and supply agreement on Internet 3D poker software with Ladbrokes International Limited, a subsidiary of top UK gambling group Ladbrokes plc.

Under the terms of the agreement, Playwize will develop and license to Ladbrokes an exclusive version of its innovative online 3-D poker for use by players on the Ladbrokes poker network.

The two-year agreement provides for a contribution towards development costs in the form of a development fee and ongoing licensing fees under a revenue sharing arrangement with Ladbrokes.

Foo Katan, Chief Executive of Playwize said: "We are very excited about creating a poker room for Ladbrokes that incorporates advanced 3-D technology with our exclusive features including real-time statistical calculators, interactive tutorial and live voice chat. The agreement represents the first step in the company's new strategy to develop and license its online 3-D poker technology to third-party poker rooms; the company anticipates that more agreements will follow."

Colin Cole-Johnson, Director of Gaming at Ladbrokes, said: "The Playwize 3-D software has an impressive interface that is supported by unique interactive player development content, so we firmly believe this will broaden the appeal of online poker. Importantly, the new 3-D platform is fully integrated with our existing software so this will help us build liquidity".
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-19 00:21 | 显示全部楼层
立博就是有钱,光娱乐场就有好几种软件平台(MG的下载版本和FLASH版本、WebCam真人荷官版本、EntertAsisa的真人荷官版本和移动娱乐场Mobile Casino)

 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-20 03:12 | 显示全部楼层

Bingo Partnership Ladbrokes & 2WayTraffic

Published: Friday, October 19, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Millionaire bingo could be a big hit

2waytraffic International has teamed up with the online games and betting company Ladbrokes for the exclusive launch of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? branded online bingo.

The game will be featured as one of the three bingo rooms on Ladbrokes’ bingo portal, Ladbrokes Bingo.com and has been designed to reflect all aspects of  the popular Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, combining traditional bingo game play with elements of the show’s format and mechanism. The voice of host Chris Tarrant stars as the bingo caller, and the game’s jackpot structure mirrors the Millionaire? money tree, allowing rewards for a greater number of players than the usual bingo jackpot structure.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Bingo also features a chat room where users can interact between games as well as play free bonus games based on Fastest Finger First and the three Lifelines, reinforcing the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? experience.

Selma Turajlic, the director of interactive media for 2waytraffic International, said: “I’m delighted to have created a strategic partnership with Ladbrokes which marries the growing popularity of online bingo with Millionaire’s instantly recognizable and phenomenally popular mechanic and format. It is further evidence of Millionaire’s versatility.”
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 10:58 | 显示全部楼层

出版:周五, 2007年10月19日mgowanbo.cc



游戏将精选其中3个宾果房间ladbrokes '宾果门, ladbrokes bingo.com ,并已设计,以反映各方面的热门谁想成为百万富翁?结合传统的宾果游戏玩法与内容有关展览的形式和机制。声音主持人克里斯塔伦特星级为心安来电,并且游戏的中奖结构,反映了一个百万富翁?一棵摇钱树,让奖金的数目更多的球员比一般的孩子宾果中奖结构。


瑟尔玛图拉伊利奇,总的互动媒体为2waytraffic国际,说: "我很高兴有此创造了战略伙伴关系, ladbrokes ,其中结婚的日益普及网上赌博与百万富翁的瞬间辨识和惊人流行技工和格式。它进一步证明了百万富翁的多才多艺。 "
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-3 09:37 | 显示全部楼层

Morgan Stanley placing shares in Ladbrokes-sources


LONDON, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Morgan Stanley is placing 9 million shares in British bookmaker Ladbrokes, market sources said on Wednesday.

Morgan Stanley was not immediately available to comment and no further details of the placing were available.

By 1310 GMT, shares in Ladbrokes were down 1.6 percent at 408 pence, figuring among the main losers in the FTSE mid cap index <.FTMC>, which was up 1 percent.

The placing represent about 1.4 percent of Ladbrokes' shares in issue, according to Reuters data.
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