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CWC真人娱乐场平台(CWC Gaming)老板被杀元凶8年后被抓了

发表于 2013-7-5 03:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CWC真人娱乐场平台(CWC Gaming),可以说是网络真人荷官游戏的先驱,十几年的历史了!
事情后来急转直下,因为老板加拿大人Adam Anhang亚当·安航在2005年在波多黎各被杀,年仅32岁。
他的老婆西班牙人Aurea Vazquez Rijos,出3百万美元雇凶杀人,杀人后马上逃到意大利,因为意大利不不引渡有死刑的国家。


Arrest in 2005 murder of former Winnipegger in Puerto Rico

Myron Love, Prairies Correspondent, Thursday, July 4, 2013
WINNIPEG — Abe and Barbara Anhang say they may finally see justice after the June 20 arrest in Spain of the woman accused of orchestrating the murder of their son in Puerto Rico almost eight years ago.

The accused mastermind behind Adam Anhang’s murder was his estranged wife, Aurea Vazquez Rijos.

Adam, who was 32 at the time of his death, had at a young age become a wealthy real estate investor who developed beachfront condominiums and hotels in Puerto Rico and was CEO of an online gambling software company based in Costa Rica.

His estate at the time of his murder was estimated to be worth at much as $25 million.

He had moved to Puerto Rico a year earlier and had married Vazquez Rijos a few months before that. Police allege the motive for the murder was the couple’s impending divorce just six months after their wedding,

“We are very pleased with the work of the FBI and the U.S. Attorney General’s office for tracking her down after all these years,” said Abe Anhang, a prominent member of Winnipeg’s Orthodox Jewish community. “They did an incredible job.”

A U.S. grand jury charged Vazquez Rijos in 2008 with offering a man $3 million to kill her husband. Anhang was beaten and stabbed to death in a popular tourist district of the Puerto Rican capital in September 2005 as he walked with Vazquez Rijos. She was slightly injured in the attack.

According to the 2008 indictment, she had offered Alex Pabon Colon money and lured Anhang to the tourist district the night of his death. The attacker was indicted in June 2008. The indictment also named Vazquez Rijos’ sister and brother-in-law as co-conspirators. They are currently in jail in Puerto Rico.

Following the indictment, Vazquez Rijos fled to Italy. But because Italy doesn’t extradite murder suspects who face the death penalty, she was able to live openly and freely there, and she subsequently gave birth to twins by an Italian man.

The opportunity to arrest Vazquez Rijos came when she decided to leave the safety of Italy for holiday travel in Europe.

“I don’t know why she would leave her sanctuary for a vacation,” Anhang said. “She must have known that there was a warrant out for her arrest.”

Vazquez Rijos was taken into custody at the airport in Madrid and is in jail facing extradition to Puerto Rico.

The arrest was the result of a joint effort between the FBI, the U.S. Attorney General’s Office in Puerto Rico, Spanish police, Interpol and the U.S. Department of Justice.

The extradition process from Spain could take from six to nine months.

“It was good police work,” Anhang said. "We were very relieved and pleased, because we think justice will now be done. But you never get over losing a child.”
发表于 2013-7-5 03:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-7-5 07:46 | 显示全部楼层
CWC一般啦 我以前玩过几次
发表于 2013-7-5 07:51 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# wanbet-bc518

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回复 9# 1100011

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