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Philippines Online Gambling Licensing Row

发表于 2007-6-12 06:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

这看起来好像越来越痛苦的战争的话,可能的诉讼可能发生在菲律宾,在菲律宾娱乐及博彩公司( Pagcor )是不符合三宝颜市经济特区( ZSEZ )和自由港管理局超过其索赔权利的问题在线赌博许可证。

这个城市的经济特区已经发出三个许可证赌博运营商的订单,尽管菲律宾娱乐及博彩公司( Pagcor )为这些公司停止运作,由于缺乏一个Pagcor授权经营。

克里斯托弗Arnuco ,总统助理贸易和副主席三宝颜市经济特区( ZSEZ )和自由港管理局说,赌博活动在ecozone涵盖了法律意见菲律宾司法部长劳尔。

ZSEZ当局已经签发的许可证菲律宾电子游戏管辖权公司( PeJI ) ,其中设有一个办事处,区的科技企业在巴朗艾B座圣拉蒙在这里,来控制电子游戏和其他有关活动“范围内进行,并从在三宝颜经济特区( ZSEZ )根据共和国7903号法案。 “

根据授权, PeJI有权接收和处理所有申请和授予电子游戏许可经营者。

但是,菲律宾娱乐及博彩公司( Pagcor )已下令ZSEZ当局停止PeJI的运作,因为它是非法的,违背其唯一的任务,问题,例如许可证。和指令被忽略了。

Arnuco坚持“ ...我们是根据法律授权经营,甚至赌场的这一问题。我们所做的只是向秘书长冈萨雷斯... ,他发表了一份法律意见说,是的,我们可以这样做2007年5月8日在回答较早信ZSEZ主席乔治娜余。 “

Arnuco说,冈萨雷斯告诉他们, “违反Pagcor的论断,在三宝颜Ecozone权力机构拥有的权力,颁发许可证,以将要定位/投资者打算经营与旅游有关的活动,包括游戏,娱乐和休闲体育设施,包括在线/互联网赌博赌场除其他外,在赞博ecozone 。

“毕竟,赌博的定义是行为或做法,赌博,或行为的玩游戏,自觉地冒着金钱或其他利害关系的成果,这对我们来说,是完全符合词组的游戏和娱乐及康乐及体育“ Arnuco引用冈萨雷斯说。



“没有当地人可以发挥。它[赌博网站]无法访问当地。菲律宾是阻止网络访问此电子游戏设施,但在世界其他地方,几乎所有国家都可以打开国外的网站说, “ Arnuco说。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-7 03:10 | 显示全部楼层

Philippines Minister View On Internet Gambling

DOJ says Zambo Internet casino illegal

The Inquirer.net news site in the Philippines reports this week on the ongoing dispute over Internet gambling within the Zamboanga City Special Economic Zone (Zamboecozone).

Apparently Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez has reversed an earlier opinion supporting the legality of the operations of an online casino in the zone after the issue was opposed by PAGCOR, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation.

PAGCOR claimed that the existence of the online casino and the authority of the Zamboecozone to operate gaming facilities, or issue licenses to Internet gaming companies, are within its authority and not that of the special economic zone.

The Inquirer reports that in a letter dated June 27 addressed to PAGCOR chair Ephraim Genuino, Secretary Gonzalez said he premised his earlier opinion on a letter from Zamboecozone chair Georgina Yu, which asserted that the ecozone has the power to issue licenses to operate online or Internet gaming.

PAGCOR argued that unlike the case of the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (Ceza), which has been clearly authorised to operate gambling facilities such as casinos, Zamboecozone’s charter did not specify that it could authorise this type of operation.

Gonzalez pointed out that the issue on Zamboecozone had been decided when Malacañang ruled that the special economic zone lacks the authority to operate or issue licenses to gambling companies. He added that in the same ruling, Manuel Gaite, deputy executive secretary for legal affairs, also affirmed that PAGCOR is the sole regulator of “...all persons primarily engaged in gambling within the territorial jurisdiction of the Republic of the Philippines.”

Zamboecozone had accordingly be ordered to immediately stop any gambling activities in its area of jurisdiction, but apparently this was disregarded, leading to PAGCOR filing a Supreme Court petition to halt the zone's gambling activities.

Gonzalez has confirmed that after reviewing the facts of the case, he had decided to recall his first opinion about Zamboecozone’s authority to operate gambling, or issue licenses to gambling companies.

“For one, the Office of the President has already issued an opinion regarding the matter. Like all other acts of the President, the order here is hereby binding upon all offices and bureaus of the executive branch, including the Department of Justice,” he said. Gonzalez also admitted that the decision to recall his earlier opinion was because the issue is now with the Supreme Court.

Zamboecozone chairman Yu declined to comment specifically on Gonzalez’s ruling and the fact that the issue was being pursued by PAGCOR.


新闻网站的Inquirer.net在菲律宾的报告在本周正在进行的争论互联网赌博的三宝颜市经济特区( Zamboecozone ) 。

显然司法部长劳尔冈萨雷斯已经扭转稍早的舆论支持的合法性和行动的网上赌场后,在该地区的问题是反对PAGCOR ,菲律宾娱乐及博彩公司。


该调查报告说,在日的信6月27日给PAGCOR主席埃弗拉伊姆Genuino ,秘书长冈萨雷斯说,他的前提他早先意见来信Zamboecozone主席乔治娜于,它断言, ecozone有权签发许可证,经营线上或互联网游戏。

PAGCOR认为的情况不同的卡加延经济区管理局( Ceza ) ,其中已明确授权经营赌博设施,如赌场, Zamboecozone的章程没有具体说明,它可以检查这种类型的作业。

冈萨雷斯指出,这个问题Zamboecozone已经决定裁定时,菲律宾的经济特区没有权力经营或颁发许可证,以赌博公司。他补充说,在相同的裁决,曼努埃尔快乐剧院,副执行秘书负责法律事务的,还申明, PAGCOR是唯一的监管机构“ ...所有的人主要从事赌博的领土管辖权菲律宾共和国。 ”



“首先,总统办公室已发布了一项关于这一问题的意见。象所有其他行为的总统,为了在这里现结合各办事处和机构的行政部门,包括司法部, “他说。冈萨雷斯也承认,在决定召回其早先的意见,是因为现在的问题是最高法院。

Zamboecozone主席于拒绝评论具体冈萨雷斯的裁决的事实,这一问题正由PAGCOR 。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-22 07:52 | 显示全部楼层
It's All In The Yardage

Published: Monday, January 21, 2008 mgowanbo.cc

In the Philippes, an online gambling operator gets out his tape measure

Online gambling operator Emmanuel Jacinto of Barangay Salapungan in the Philippes is having trouble with the public on the location of his new facilities scheduled to launch online gambling as Emaja Internet Gaming Enterprises soon. Demonstrations have disrupted his plans and the traffic despite his possession of full permissions from relevant city and online gambling authorities like PAGCOR.

"Our business is legal. We do not violate any laws," Jacinto said, revealing that the City Engineer's Office issued on November 5, 2007 a certification on November 5 that the measured distance from the E-casino building to Angeles University Foundation Professional School along McArthur Highway is 206 metres. The same certification also confirmed that the distance of the online gaming firm to the Iglesia ni Cristo Church along the McArthur Highway in Barangay Santo Cristo is 222.30 metres.

In the guidelines set by PAGCOR, a proposed Internet casino station must not be within a 200-metre radius from any school and church.

The City Engineer's certifications give the lie to media reports saying that the Internet gaming firm is less than 200 metres away from the two institutions, according to Jacinto.

The Emaja Internet Gaming Enterprise is the third Internet casino in the city, according to Jacinto. Warning signage, including "No minors allowed inside the gaming area;" "No government employees allowed to play;" "No cash no play," and others, will be posted in and outside the Internet casino premises.

Academics added to, or perhaps motivated, the student demonstrations this week; AUF chancellor Emmanuel Angeles earlier denounced the opening of the E-casino. According to Angeles, the facility violated existing laws. "It's only 150 metres away from AUF and it is also near the Iglesia ni Cristo Church and Mother of Perpetual Help School," he said - apparently without measuring the distance himself.

Jacinto said the Internet casino, which will feature games like slot machines, blackjack, and bacarrat, will open soon.

Local police are reported to be keeping watch against further disruptions.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-23 07:22 | 显示全部楼层
Differing Views In The Phillippines (Update)

Monday, January 21, 2008 mgowanbo.cc

There appears to have been a serious misunderstanding in e-casino row

Developments are taking place thick and fast in the Philippines row over a proposed e-casino office location in Angeles City.

Earlier this week, the owner of the launch-imminent online casino, Emmanuel Jacinto protested against public demonstrations against his company, claiming that he had all the necessary permissions from both City and betting agency authority PAGCOR, and that his offices were in compliance with the distances from schools and churches proclaimed by the government.

Jacinto's statement was challenged today (Monday) by Angeles City Mayor Francis Nepomuceno, who said the controversial online casino company located along MacArthur Highway in the Barangay Salapungan area has no permit to operate yet.

Nepomuceno said Roxas Sangalang, chief of his Business Permit and Licensing Division, has not yet issued a business permit to Jacinto's Emaja Internet Gaming Enterprise. Nepomuceno said the local government does not condone the proliferation of illegal gambling in the city.

And the city official who measured and confirmed that Jacinto's offices were within government requirements is reversing, too claiming that he did not know he was issuing a certificate on the measurements to an online gambling facility.

Mayor Nepomuceno says the business permit for the Internet casino was put on hold after AUF Chancellor Emmanuel Angeles and the university's students expressed strong objection against its operation on grounds of its proximity to schools and churches, and staged a demonstration outside Jacinto's new offices.
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