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发表于 2014-7-30 04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

亚洲盘口博彩集团利记(SBOBET)极力否认它与潘维胜(Wei Seng Phua)有牵连。八人对世界杯赛事进行非法体育投注在美国被捕,潘是其中之一。




“无论是被告还是那些与他一起被捕的人士与利记(SBOBET)的所有人、管理层或或与其运营Celton Manx Limited有限公司Richwell Ventures Limited有限公司都没有任何牵连和关系,。

 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-30 04:45 | 显示全部楼层
利记 SBOBET 在此时间后关闭了美国和加拿大的IP地址访问其网站。

 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-30 04:50 | 显示全部楼层



Wynn poaches Sands' top VIP agent

PUBLISHED : Thursday, 07 September, 2006, 12:00am
UPDATED : Thursday, 07 September, 2006, 12:00am

Vegas casino mogul stokes competition by raising junket operators' commission to draw players to its new Macau resort

Las Vegas casino magnate Stephen Wynn, whose US$1.2 billion Macau casino resort opened this week, has poached a VIP junket operator from one of his rivals and raised marketing agents' commissions as he moves to grab a share of the enclave's high-stakes gaming market, sources say.

Veteran Malaysian junket operator Phua Wei Seng had worked in Macau exclusively for the Sands casino. His eight high rollers' tables in the private Shanghai Room accounted for about 36 per cent of Sands' US$12.84 billion in VIP chip turnover in the year to March.

Mr Phua for now will deliver high rollers to both casinos. He is also a licensed junket agent for Australia's Burswood casino and Malaysia's Genting Highlands. His Macau junket permit is up for renewal on December 31.

Mr Wynn is seeking to build a stake in Macau's HK$28 billion market for VIP baccarat in competition with former monopoly holder Stanley Ho Hung-sun, United States gaming magnate Sheldon Adelson and Hong-Kong-listed Galaxy Entertainment Group, run by the family of Lui Che-woo.

Key to the market are agents - among whom Mr Phua is a top performer - who lure in high rollers and lend them money to gamble while earning commissions on the value of the special VIP chips that their customers buy from the casino.

Wynn Resorts (Macau) was putting pressure on rivals to raise agents' base commissions by offering 1.2 per cent of VIP chip turnover, compared with the 1.1 per cent base rate at the Sands, Mr Adelson said in an interview last week.

Sands was likely to increase its commission payments, he said.

'We can't have our business taken away,' Mr Adelson said. '[Wynn] is forcing us to raise our commission. But right now our commission is the same as Stanley Ho's.'

Higher commissions squeeze profit margins for the house. Even so, 'if worse came to worse, we'd have to reduce our profit at the high end and just be more aggressive on the mass market', Mr Adelson said.

Casino operators' profit margins on mass market play are wider and more resilient because no middlemen are involved.

In the VIP market, an increase of 0.1 per cent to junket commissions - paid on the gross volume of chip purchases - can translate to a decrease in net earnings of several percentage points for the house.

Shares in locally listed Teem Foundation Group, which said in April it would pay HK$539 million for an indirect minority interest in the profit generated by Mr Phua's junket business at the Sands, have been suspended from trading since August 29.

The suspension was pending an announcement of the new deal with Wynn Resorts, market sources said. Spokesmen for Wynn Resorts declined to comment. Teem executives did not return calls.

As of yesterday, Macau had 136 licensed junket operators, according to the territory's Gaming Inspection and Co-ordination Bureau. Of those, 20 are affiliated with the Las Vegas Sands group and three with Wynn Resorts. In addition, eight junket licences are pending approval, seven of which would be attached to the Sands.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-30 04:54 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2012-10-27 01:34

在澳门,传说中在扑克王俱乐部进行的高额无限德州现金游戏,盲注曾高达3W/6W港币,一年来吸引了整个扑克界的目光,不过有关这些游戏的细节似乎都被封锁了。我们知道高额职业牌手比如Patrik Antonius, Tom Dwan, John Juanda 和Sam Trickett都涌向了这个局,但是却不知道吸引这些鲨鱼的是何方神圣。

有关这些“富有的中国商人”的信息很少,不过最近2012WSOPE期间的5万欧元豪客赛稍微解开了一点这些神秘玩家的面纱。在WSOPE期间,我恰好在Barrière赌场,虽然我并不报道这项比赛,但是我对这项比赛的选手阵容非常感兴趣。如你所见,这项比赛虽然是对所有人开放的,但是还是最感谢Richard Yong 和Paul Phua的支持, 也许你能回想起来这两位商人曾经也参加过今年夏天的100万买入One Drop比赛。

“像Yong和Phua这样的老板习惯玩得很大,不过5万也不算小了,”WSOP执行主管和凯撒娱乐副主席Ty Stewart在9月公布5万欧元豪客赛时对记者说。“我们研究了世界各地的豪客赛和超级豪客赛,它们吸引了多少不同的玩家,最后认为5万欧元最适合这个比赛。”

据我的观察,Yong和Phua似乎是澳门的两位主要玩家,或者至少他们有能力组织起游戏并且鼓舞其他玩家参与。由于Yong在One Drop中打进了决赛桌,斩获了$1,237,333,他在澳门地区备受瞩目。有关Yong的信息很少,尽管他参加One Drop比赛后透露出了一些:“Richard Yong是一位54岁的亚洲商人,现居住在马来西亚吉隆坡。他在世界上有很多生意,其中主要的是数据挖掘和IT相关的公司。Richard参与了世界上最高额的现金游戏和锦标赛,他也是澳大利亚墨尔本百万美元现金游戏的一员。”

同样,这里是Phua参加WSOP后透露出的有限信息:“Paul Phua(本名Wei Seng),是一位48岁的亚洲商人,现居马来西亚。Phua周游世界各地,参与了一些最高额的现金游戏和锦标赛,他也是澳大利亚墨尔本百万美元现金游戏的一员。


以下是这篇文章中的相关部分:“这位促进者曾经专门为澳门金沙赌场工作,但现在为竞争对手永利度假村服务。这位马来西亚中介代理收取他的玩家在澳门金沙VIP房间购买筹码的1.1%的基础佣金。据香港《南华早报》,Phua管理金沙上海房间的8张VIP桌子,负责澳门金沙所有VIP房间营业额(今年前三个月是128亿美元)的36%。据报道澳门永利将付给Phua 1.2%的基础佣金。Phua同时还与澳大利亚赌场Burswood以及吉隆坡外的云顶高原合作。”


这两位很大程度上带领着行动,但是组织游戏的人,至少在PKC(扑克王俱乐部)的最高额游戏,是Winfred Yu,PKC的商业主管。“大游戏是Winfred的baby,玩家们打电话告诉他什么时候来玩,”AJ Brock,PKC的首席运营官在pokerportal.asia的一次采访中说。

Yu不仅是高额游戏的组织者,同时还是一位牌手,在WSOPE豪客赛上淘汰于钱圈。“我出生在香港,14岁的时候和家人一起移民到加拿大。然后我在那里上大学,研究数学和统计。所以基本上,我学到了一些和扑克有关的东西,这是我刚开始玩牌的原因,”Yu在09年的采访中告诉记者。“随着扑克的流行传播到了瑞典和俄罗斯这样的地方,我认为在中国这项游戏肯定能成长起来。我希望将这项游戏推向市场并且证明中国人肯定能把扑克玩得很好。中国人喜 欢賭博同时非常喜 欢挑战和技术性的游戏。而且,很多人精通数学,这也很有帮助。”

有趣的是,在伦敦阿斯皮纳私人俱乐部20位玩家的10万英镑豪客赛上,Phua, Yong, 和Yu 分别获得了前三,这件事发生在5万欧元豪客赛一周以前。Phua赢得了100万英镑,Yong 赢得了57万,Yu赢得了30万。

当然并非只有这三位中国商人来到这里,许多其他人也加入他们来到戛纳参加5万欧元豪客赛,包括Wang Qiang, Lifeng Chen, Sheng Sun, Zheng Tang和 Fung Cheung,不过有关他们的信息很少。因为我自己并未目睹PKC的牌局,我不能保证这些玩家都参与了那个大游戏,但我相信根据他们的联系和关系到澳门的行动,可以合理地推论出这一点。以下是网上流传的关于他们的信息:

2011年,Wang Qiang在澳洲百万赛中参与了百万美元现金游戏,随后在那年的25万美元超级豪客赛上淘汰于泡沫圈第四名。'

有一位Lifeng Chen是文思信息技术有限公司的总裁,但是他们是否同一个人并不确定。

Sheng Sun 在去年11月26日澳门APPT的95000港币豪客赛上获得了第三,奖金610700港币。他还在今年4月20日的APT马尼拉100万港币比赛中获得第三,奖金465万港币。

Zheng Tang在10年5月18日澳门APPT 88800港币豪客赛中获得了第二,奖金666700港币。他还在今年的澳门超级豪客挑战赛中获得第四,奖金$2,233,531。

Fung Cheung最初引起我的注意是在EPT巴塞罗那5万欧元豪客赛上,她是那场比赛中唯一的女性。虽然那场没进到钱圈,但是她在今年WSOPE主赛上取得了第37名,$27,724。Cheung还是Phil Ivey的好友,在WSOPE期间他们一起旅行。

毫无疑问,澳门是扑克温床,有着像Yu, Phua 和Yong这样的人带领着行动,目前一点没有放缓的迹象。PKC里不愿透露姓名的中国商人和玩家的神秘面纱正在逐渐地被揭开,当他们离开澳门来到Vegas,伦敦,澳洲,戛纳来玩牌的时候,这一过程会加剧。也许有一天这些玩家将会接受不请自来的名人效应——这当然会对扑克有好处。

英文原文: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2012/10/deconstructing-the-macau-high-stakes-cash-games-13653.htm
 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-30 04:57 | 显示全部楼层

Counter Attack

Posted: 11/1/2006 3:22:00 AM

Sheldon Adelson was not happy when he read in the press – including Macau Business – that Phua Wei Seng, one of his most valuable junket agents, was now working for Wynn Resorts. In the end, according to sources in the gaming sector, the well-positioned Malaysian promoter only did what many others do in the business: work with other VIP rooms while keeping the ones he had before, regardless of who operates them. So he was working for both Sands and Wynn.

In October, Sands counter attacked, by having one of the main junket operators from Wynn.

The maneouver was allegedly the result of a misunderstanding between Steve Wynn and the boss of the company International Club, Wynn's main promoter.

Here's what happened: Wynn had initially promised a 1.2 percent base commission if the amount of chips bought at his resort by International Club players went over four billion patacas, but he later decided to apply the formula already being used by SJM: a 60/40 division. Apparently, the 60/40 solution is not as attractive to junkets.

The partners of Interational Club's promoter kept their tables at Wynn and, technically, operations were not abandoned, but, a few days later, the entire first floor of Paiza VIP Club in Sands Macao was offered to International Club leader. From what we could gather from a well-positioned source, he accepted a 1.1 percent base commission, plus an extra 0.1 percent if the amount of chips bought surpassed three billion patacas. During the last 13 days of October, the promoter kept himself busy and became Sheldon Adelson's main money earner.

Musical chairs

Despite apparent calm on the public front, with only one or two instances of disagreement, fierce competition raged backstage. The public has been given scant insight into the reasons why.

The most recent change came when former LVS Chief Operating Officer, Frank McFadden, was replaced. Before him, David Mitchell and Thuy Trinh had already been sacked. The later is now running the newest casino in town, Galaxy's Starworld. As for McFadden, he was hired by SJM as President New Business division and Joint Ventures, responsible for projects as Grand Lisboa and Oceanus, Hyatt rebuilding and Ponte 16, as well as some 10 other satellite casinos.

Smiles in government

At a time when new casinos are getting ready to open, the Macau government continues to smile with satisfaction. For 2007, a conservative estimate predicts a revenue of 20 billion patacas (US$2.5 billion) from the gambling tax. This is based on a 58 billion pataca (US$7.25 billion) total gross revenue from gambling, an increase of five billion patacas (US$625 million) over this year's estimated gross revenue.

If the market keeps up with the supply growth, these numbers could well be much larger. After all, Venetian will open in 2007, with around 850 tables and 4,100 slot machines, and a final target capacity of 1,500 tables and 7,000 slot machines. When we add the number of tables and slot machines from all the different hotels in the Venetian Cotai site, we come up to the staggering 2,900 tables and 16,000 slot machines.
发表于 2014-7-31 15:55 | 显示全部楼层
我估计是 有牵连。
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