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Moscow Millions Rescheduled

发表于 2007-8-13 03:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Following Full Tilt withdrawal, MM organisers say the Russian spectacle will go on

Despite the withdrawal of Full Tilt Poker on grounds of full commitment elsewhere the organisers of Russia's inaugural Moscow Millions poker tournament say it is still viable and ready to go.  However, the date has been changed from October 20 - 22 to just over a month later on November 24-26.

The maximum number of players that can be accommodated in the tournament venue is 150, and the indications are that this will be met.

In a statement earlier this week, the company said: "Though we truly welcomed Full Tilt's support, the success of the Moscow Millions has not been planned solely dependent on it."

The Russian Sport Poker Federation has deemed the country's first-ever poker championship an official sports event. "The Federation is proud to bring such an official status to the game in this country, and to share this with all people across the world fond of poker," the organisation's president, Dmitry Lesnoy said.

Because it is an officially sanctioned event, Moscow Millions organisers say the $1.5 million in prize money is effectively tax free for both local and international players, giving an added attraction for the tourney. Players' $10 000 buy-in afford them a grab at the prize pool and two titles - Russia's national poker champion and the poker federation grand champion of Russia.

Anastasia Bauer, a spokeswoman for the event, said that future plans include bigger and better Moscow Millions tournaments that will rank with the best in the world.

Poker clubs throughout Russia have started hosting satellites for the tournament, and Full Tilt has been offering qualifiers to win a $15 000 prize package to the Moscow Millions since June.
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