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New Chief For Gibraltar Regulators

发表于 2007-8-15 05:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
UK Gambling Commission exec to move to The Rock

The UK Gambling Commission, which controls all UK gambling starting September 1 will be missing an important member of the executive team. Phill Brear, currently the Director of Operations will be leaving the Commission to take up a position as the head man in the Gibraltar Gambling Regulatory Authority.

Brear's appointment was announced this week by GRA chief executive Paul Canessa, who said: "We are delighted to have made this appointment. Our e-gambling industry is the hub of a global industry that aspires to the highest standards in socially responsible and transparent services. It is essential that we have the right blend of regulation, experience and innovation to work with our operators in meeting and developing those standards. Phill brings strength in depth from his role as one of the top team with the UK Gambling Commission".

Brear will start with the GRA on 1st October and is currently making arrangements to move to Gibraltar. He said: "I feel very privileged to be taking up such an important post at such a critical time. The [Gibraltar] government has demonstrated its continuing commitment to licensing and hosting the world's strongest and most dynamic operators in remote gambling. With that comes a responsibility for all parties to ensure we help develop and meet the highest international standards around player protection, integrity of facilities and resilience of systems.

"Gibraltar has a first class reputation in these areas and as the industry comes under increasing demand and international scrutiny we must ensure that reputation goes from strength to strength. I am keen to build on the strong and productive relationships we have with all our operators, including our traditional gambling operators, and work with them to move our position forward".

Brear was appointed as Director of Operations in the UK Gambling Commission in October 2005 following a career in policing. As Director of Operations he had responsibility for the licensing, compliance, intelligence and enforcement functions of the Commission, including a key role in the shaping and development of the new policies, conditions and codes of practice for the British gambling industry under the Gambling Act.

He also led the team responsible for setting up the operational staff and systems for supervising, and where necessary, investigating, over 2 500 British operators.

His role has allowed him to meet many of the key gambling staff in Europe and he is a member of both the European Gambling Regulators Forum (GREF) and the International Association of Gambling Regulators (IAGR).

In his 30 year police career he became Deputy Chief Constable of the fourth largest police force in England, West Yorkshire, and his responsibilities have included oversight of Specialist Operations, Complaints and Discipline, Performance Management, Legal and Media Affairs and IT. He is widely regarded as a very 'hands on' manager who literally kept his feet on the ground by engaging in operational duties despite the demands of running an organisation of 8 500 staff and a GBP 400 million police budget.

The Gambling Commission has not yet announced his replacement.
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