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Bots A Growing Menace

发表于 2007-9-5 01:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发布时间:星期二, 2007年9月4日mgowanbo.cc



这家报纸采访的RSA高级研究员乌利尔迈蒙,谁说,在过去5个月出现了上升僵尸网络的使用和对游戏网站的意图是转移资金。这家报纸声称, 200 000美元到300美元000正在移动每月-反映了打击网上赌博的金融交易,通过UIGEA 。

普遍存在的机器人显然是越来越多。 “博特网是黑莓的欺诈世界说, ”麦蒙。 “你不能做任何事情没有他们。 ”根据麦蒙,一个在20至一个在全世界有50个电脑程序。一年前,它是在200至一个在- 500 。

该报告还描述了如何赌博进行诈骗,利用欺诈手段获得的信用卡资料。一个要素骗局往往充斥扑克业务的小到中型的网站, “角色”的形式,程序。这些都是损害电脑装有扑克游戏程序,玩扑克,但不一定很好。人类串通骗子然后进入同一个房间里的机器人竞争分杆竞争。赔率非常赞成的人,谁赢得了锅。这笔钱是从输家转移到赢家-在这种情况下,欺诈。

文章称,电脑犯罪分子正在将这种制定措施,因为它是难以转移资金的一种合法的信用卡帐户海外。还有在线支付处理器这一进程线上投注尽管最近和高度宣传打击Neteller 。

“洗钱者将额外的步骤来转移资金,因为联邦法律,说: ” John Pescatore表示安全Gartner分析师。 “你必须要获得更多的创造性,以转移资金海外。这是另一种方式的现金了。 ”


一名加拿大扑克选手告诉该报说,僵尸球员们经常遇到的, “如果你怀疑你玩了BOT ,您传送(即时消息) ,并试图与他们交谈。它们通常不回答,但也有一些方案回应: “我不聊天, ”她说。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-5 01:25 | 显示全部楼层
Cybercrooks use bots to deal winning hand

By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY
September 4, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO — Bots, the millions of compromised computers remotely controlled by crooks, are doing more than spreading spam and phishing.
Increasingly, they're agents for various forms of fraud, such as money laundering.

Over the past five months, RSA senior researcher Uriel Maimon has witnessed a spike in the use of bots on gaming sites to move money overseas.

An estimated $200,000 to $300,000 has been moved monthly — a reflection of a crackdown on online gambling in the U.S. after the passage of a federal law in October.

"Bot nets are the BlackBerrys of the fraud world," says Maimon. "You can't do anything without them." According to Maimon, one-in-20 to one-in-50 PCs worldwide are bots. A year ago, it was one-in-200 to one-in-500.

Here's how the gambling scam typically works: A fraudster steals a batch of credit card numbers and, for each number, opens an account in an online payment processing service for the purpose of gambling.

At the same time, the fraudster opens accounts on an online payment-processing service with credit cards with minimal cash balances — either under their name or that of an accomplice. The cybercrook goes to such lengths because they want to move the money of the victims, who are usually in the U.S., to accounts overseas, where they are located. The banks in these countries have less stringent banking laws and accept the transfer from the U.S.

The fraudster then floods the poker forum of small-to-midsized websites with "players" in the form of bots. These are compromised PCs loaded with poker-playing programs that play poker, but not necessarily well. A human in cahoots with the crook then enters the same room as the bots to compete against sub par competition. The odds are heavily in favor of the human, who wins the pot. The money from the losers is transferred to the winner — in this case, the fraudster.

Cybercrooks are going to elaborate measures in this use bots because it is difficult to transfer the money of a legitimate credit card account overseas. And there are still online payment processors that process online wagers — despite a recent crackdown on Neteller, a popular payment processor overseas.

"Money launderers are going to extra steps to move money because of the federal law," says John Pescatore, a security analyst at Gartner. "You have to get more creative to move money overseas. This is another way to cash out."

While large, established poker sites are good at electronically scanning for bots and for players who intentionally lose to a "designated" winner, small sites are not, says Joseph Kelly, a professor who specializes in online gambling issues at SUNY College Buffalo.

"The bots are prevalent," says Anna Calder, an online poker player from Canada, where such gambling is legal. "If you suspect you're playing a bot, you send an (instant message) and attempt to chat with them. They usually don't reply, but some are programmed to respond, "I do not chat."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-5 07:18 | 显示全部楼层
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