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IFP Backs S.A. Online Gaming Bill

发表于 2007-9-19 00:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Provided it is done properly, regulation is the best way to go, says Kwa Zulu Natal politician

The National Gambling Amendment Bill, which introduces a regulated and controlled online gambling regime in South Africa in preference to banning the Internet pastime has received the support of the Inkatha Freedom Party.

In a speech to the National Assembly this week, the party's Professor E.S. Chang said that with the great technological developments and the rapid expansion of the Internet and other interactive communications, it was inevitable that gambling would move to this domain.

"Whether we do or do not approve, or agree with it, the reality of the situation is that interactive gambling is taking place in South Africa, and is currently not regulated. What is particularly alarming about the current non - regulation of interactive gambling is the ease with which underage children [may] have access to this activity and the scope for the development and expansion of criminal activities," he said.

Chang cautioned against the belief among many people that gambling might be the answer to their financial troubles.

"They think that if they can just win one big jackpot, all their financial woes will be over. It is the people who can least afford to gamble, the poorest members of our society, who are usually the worst affected by this vice. They end up becoming addicted and ultimately losing their hard earned money which leads them even further into poverty," he said.

He therefore added that the relevant authorities must be aware and take action against some of the concerns raised if this bill is to truly attempt to regulate interactive gambling.

"We must remove all criminal and illegal elements and activities from gambling while at the same time ensuring that the most vulnerable members of our society are protected and taught about the harsh realities of gambling and the need to gamble responsibly, Chang said.

"There are economic benefits to be gained from the efficient regulation of interactive gambling such as additional revenue to the national fiscus, increased investment and job creation. These benefits must not, however, be pursued at all costs and at the expense of the social ills that interactive gambling will cause if it is not properly regulated. I also hope that the relevant authorities have the necessary capacity and expertise to regulate this form of gambling as the interactive environment is very dynamic and constantly changing.

"The IFP supports this bill."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-19 00:32 | 显示全部楼层
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