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UB.com支付了大量的爆冷(Bad Beat)大奖

发表于 2010-9-10 02:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
UB.com支付了大量的爆冷(Bad Beat)大奖


美国佛罗里达州迈阿密 - (新闻发布) - 在线扑克从摩天球员KAPPIT,但德克萨斯218115有理由感谢她的手失去在UB.com,立即掀起了爆冷门大奖(“BBJ型号”)昨天钟声$ 670,575.38的调子。

周二晚上17:51内皮素,只能被作为一个$ 218,115.71为KAPPIT幸运不幸描述,看到她的CJBV四花枝招展的四个皇后更重要。在大多数扑克界认为可能是故事的结尾,但这个坏发表了一笔横财击败60岁的这是非常值得打蜡抒情有关。

“我一直在玩扑克牌45年来,大多生活扑克,我打在陆基赌场一大奖一次,但这是我一生最大的奖了。致敬,以UB扑克。这是'苏'我的幸运日捕捉爆冷门大奖,说:“KAPPIT。 “像我们的贸易关闭我们的卡车将1995年的梦想终于发生样子。让那些未来的JackpotUB...梦想正在变为现实。”

当KAPPIT失去了德州手持'在$ 0.25/0.50表时间,CJBV拿起他赢得的手甜蜜$ 109,057.85,而七名球员库存仅仅因为是在自己的桌子坐下至少1000美元,另外还有610人庆祝KAPPIT的坏运气在感到口袋,并没有其他理由比他们正好在为长期德克萨斯扑克游戏爱好者同样限制每个89.36美元。

自爆冷门在绝对扑克和UB上线以来,许多球员的奖金都分享到数千美元58,114,636.59美元的奖金总额惊人。 2010年至今,63个球员赢得了爆冷门大奖,并KAPPIT的跃居今年的BBJ型号奖金交给了整个网络的蜡状扑克出11082 $ 9,328,292.80大规模球员总冠军。

爆冷门大奖是传统的德州扑克游戏与一个附加组件扑克奖金。 $ 0.50收集从排位赛扑克手,把锅放在一个不断成长,直到有人中奖。当网上扑克玩家失去与4 787-8或任何更好,奖金是奖金分给拍坏了的球员举行的下一个部分的其余锅,一只手。在爆冷门大奖具有相同的限制,游戏类型,表层次的所有球员打不好的地方也发生了大奖赢得了一块。

天空高爆冷门累积奖金并不少见在蜡状扑克网络的在线扑克网站之一 - 在UB扑克和绝对扑克都目睹了近100万美元大关怪物最高奖金数 - 但蜡状芽孢杆菌,德州'时间玩家可以继续期待着更大的累积奖金,更多的时候。


UB.com pays out massive bad beat jackpot

9 September 2010

MIAMI, Florida -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- Online poker player KAPPIT from Ferris, Texas has 218,115 reasons to be thankful for her losing hand yesterday at UB.com, which immediately set off the Bad Beat Jackpot ("BBJ") bells to the tune of $670,575.38.

On Tuesday evening at 17:51 ET, what can only be described as a $218,115.71 fortunate misfortune for KAPPIT, saw her quad nines outranked by CJBV's four queens. In most poker circles that might be the end of the story, but this bad beat delivered a financial windfall to the 60 year-old that was well worth waxing lyrical about.

"I've been playing Poker for 45 years now, mostly live poker, and I hit a jackpot once in a land-based Casino, but this is the biggest prize I've ever got. Hats off to UB Poker. It was 'SO' my lucky day to capture the Bad Beat Jackpot," said KAPPIT. "Looks like our dream of trading off our 1995 truck will finally happen. Keep those jackpots coming UB...Dreams do come true."

When KAPPIT lost her hand of Texas Hold 'em at a $0.25/0.50 table, CJBV picked up a sweet $109,057.85 for his winning hand, while seven players banked at least $1,000 just for being seated at their table, and an additional 610 others celebrated KAPPIT's bad luck at the felt pocketing $89.36 each, for no other reason than they happened to be playing at the same limit as the long-time Texan poker enthusiast.

Since the launch of the Bad Beat Jackpot at Absolute Poker and UB, thousands of players have shared in a staggering total of $58,114,636.59 in jackpot dollars. In 2010 to date, 63 players have won a Bad Beat Jackpot, and KAPPIT's win catapulted this year's BBJ prize money to a massive total of $9,328,292.80 handed out across the CEREUS Poker Network to 11,082 players.

Bad Beat Jackpot games are traditional Texas Hold'em poker with an added jackpot component. $0.50 is collected from qualifying poker hands and placed into a constantly growing pot until someone hits the jackpot. When an online poker player loses a hand with four 8s or anything better, the jackpot is divided among Bad Beat Jackpot players, with a portion of the remaining pot held over for the next one. All players seated at a Bad Beat Jackpot table featuring the same limit and game type as where the bad beat occurred also win a piece of the jackpot.

Sky-high Bad Beat Jackpots aren't uncommon at either of the CEREUS Poker Network's online poker sites -- players at UB and Absolute Poker have both witnessed a number of monster jackpots near the million-dollar mark -- but with CEREUS, Texas Hold'em players can keep on looking forward to much larger jackpots, more often.

Full details on the Bad Beat Jackpot game can be found at the pair of popular online poker rooms, UB.com and AbsolutePoker.com.
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