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发表于 2010-9-11 01:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



有这么多的新闻最近赌博合法化,它发生在我回来看看,因为赌博在恶劣的日子是 - 之前它是作为一个由省政府摇钱树我们拥抱。这里所描述的场景,当然,并不能反映在今天完成的事情的方式。你要知道,我们似乎已经失去了一些兴奋。

我们的指导时间背戴维W希金斯,记者,作者,出版者,政治家,失望的探矿和短期快递业务员在我们以前见过他的生活丰富多彩回忆在弗雷泽河金矿,后来,在维多利亚。 1904年,他出版了神秘的春天,以及对男性和女性的事件周围的建筑小组形成年写的最有趣的书他的一个最好的一些报刊文章。








Gambling in the old days required more than just good luck

September 10, 2010

'The air seems filled with a penetrating, pungent dust which I inhale, and which causes my eyes to smart and my throat to parch and burn...'

With legalized gambling so much in the news recently, it occurred to me to look back at gambling as it was in the bad old days -- before it was embraced as a cash cow by our provincial government. The scenes described here, of course, do not reflect upon the way things are done today. Mind you, we do seem to have lost some of the excitement.

Our guide back through time is David W. Higgins, the journalist, author, publisher, politician, disappointed prospector and short-term express clerk we've met before in his colourful recollections of life in the Fraser River gold fields and, later, in Victoria. In 1904 he published some of his best newspaper articles in The Mystic Spring, one of the most entertaining books written about the men and women and the events surrounding B.C.'s formative years.

Here Higgins (slightly edited as he inadvertently changed tenses throughout) describes a memorable faro game in Bennett's Saloon in Yale in September 1858...

The hour is 9 in the evening, and, in company with three or four other homeless young men, I find myself standing in the midst of a crowd of men and women gathered about a table to watch the players as they "buck" at faro. The dealer is a scorbutic-looking man of perhaps 25. He is reputed the best faro dealer on the Coast. And, being not a little proud of the distinction, he seems to regard the foolish persons who gather about him with a cynical smile, while a contemptuous expression lurks in his sallow, immobile countenance. Every age is represented by those who surround the table to watch the playing with feverish anxiety or to stake a coin on the outcome of a card.

As the game proceeds the excitement increases and many of the gamesters, having lost their all, slowly fall back and others who are anxious to try their fortunes take the vacant places. In the front rank of the latest comers my eyes fall on a respectably dressed man of about 30. He is smoking a cigar and appears to regard the exciting scene with an expression of cynical listlessness. His well-to-do appearance attracts the attention of the professional gamblers, who, in the hope that he has money and will enter the game, gradually fall back and allow the stranger to advance to the table until he stands in the front rank. Another deal from the box is impending and the eyes of the dealer are fixed like those of a basilisk on the newcomer, who, in a spirit of bravado, it seems to me, places a 10-dollar gold piece upon the ace of clubs. A miner standing near the stranger lays two 20s on another card and when the result is known the young man has won and the miner has lost. The miner turns away with a dejected air and his place is taken by the stranger, who continues to wager with cool indifference. After the first winning he loses steadily. Soon his money seems exhausted, for he bets no more, but still retains his place without the least show of excitement or chagrin. Presently a bearded miner pushes his way to the front and lays four 20s on the first card that catches his eye. When the card comes from the box, the miner has won. He doubles the stakes, and again and again wins. The owners of the bank scarcely conceal their anger. They make signs to the dealer to close the bank, but he does not appear to understand what is expected of him and continues to deal, while the pile of gold in front of the miner grows apace.

The other tables are soon abandoned and crowds press forward to watch the duel between the bank and the miner and inwardly to pray that the bank might be broken. There must have been $1,000 on the last card the miner selects, and, strange to say, he wins again. Then he begins to place his winnings in a buckskin sack, for he has announced that he will play no more. The bystanders watch with covetous eyes the fortunate man as he fills his bag with the golden winnings, and several pat him on the back and congratulate him on his good luck. The dealer has closed the bank and is in the act of leaving the table when a pistol shot rings through the room. Simultaneously every coal oil lamp is extinguished and the place is in total darkness. A lamp that stood on the table where I had watched the playing is thrown to the floor and goes out. The table is upset with a crash and then there arise cries of alarm and agony, mingled with fierce maledictions and murderous threats. I become aware of a stifling sensation.

The air seems filled with a penetrating pungent dust which I inhale, and which causes my eyes to smart and my throat to parch and burn. Others seem similarly affected and cough and gasp for breath. I try to grope my way outside, but find myself entangled in a struggling, gasping shouting mass of humanity. It is some minutes before a light can be had. At last someone brings a lantern and then the faro dealer and the lucky miner are seen to hold their hands to their eyes while they rave and stamp with anguish and cry for "Help! In heaven's name, help!"

The affair is plain to the most ordinary mind. A band of ruffians has conspired to rob the bank. The pistol shot was the signal for extinguishing the lights and dashing cayenne pepper into the eyes of the dealer and player. In the darkness and excitement the funds were seized and carried off, with the exception of a few gold pieces that fell to the floor. The anguish of the sufferers was pitiful to behold, and neither ever recovered the full use of his eyes...

A hue and cry was raised. The police were notified and the whole population turned out to search for the miscreants, but in the absence of telegraphic communication little could be done. It was learned the next day that an Indian canoe in which were seated four white men left the water front before daybreak. Those men were believed to be the culprits, but they got safely off and were not overtaken by the constables who were sent after them....
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