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Kahnawake Enters Absolute Poker Debacle

发表于 2007-10-19 00:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Thursday, October 18, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Licensing jurisdiction pledges to have an independent audit

The allegations of impropriety during an online poker tournament at Absolute Poker.com gathered further momentum as the week progressed, with the issue reaching the pages of the New York Times, and a statement from the website's licensing jurisdiction pledging an independent investigation of the affair.

Kahnawake Gaming Commissioner David Montour announced that following the emergence of allegations concerning the propriety of Absolute Poker's operations, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission (KGC) intends to investigate the privately-held licensee.

In a written statement Montour indicated that the KGC will employ an independent third party, UK-based Gaming Associates, to conduct the audit. It is understood that Gaming Associates is an exclusive testing agency used by the KGC.

"This week's allegations of impropriety have been brought to the attention of the [KGC]," said Montour. "We have appointed experts to conduct a thorough audit of all circumstances, provide findings and recommendations to the commission.

"The audit will not be restricted to examining theories circulating in Internet chat rooms and fora," Montour added.

Among other allegations, GA will undoubtedly have to verify documents, and possibly explain how a tournament winner known as Potripper apparently obtained such extraordinarily good results - up to an incredible 15 standard deviations - in the tournament.

Meanwhile, the New York Times has again reported on the incident, this time in a fashion that suggests there is sufficient controversy to warrant an audit. Author Stephen D. Levitt headlined his op-ed piece "The Absolute Poker Cheating Scandal Blown Wide Open" and noted that a combination of some incredible detective work by online poker players and an accidental (?) data leak by Absolute Poker have blown the scandal wide open.

Levitt goes on to explain that some opponents became suspicious of how a certain player [Potripper] was playing in an Absolute Poker tourney, seemingly aware of what his opponent's hole cards were.

The suspicious players provided examples of these hands, which were so outrageous that virtually all serious poker players were convinced that cheating had occurred. One of the players who’d been cheated requested that Absolute Poker provide hand histories from the tournament, and instead of the usual specific hand history received (perhaps in error) a file that contained comprehensive private information that the poker site would never normally release.

The file contained every player’s hole cards, observations of the tables, and even the IP addresses of every person playing. Levitt comments that such a complete disclosure seems like too great a coincidence, and suggests that there may have been a whistle-blowing element involved instead of a mistaken document being despatched.

Poker players went to work analysing the data in the surprisingly comprehensive file — not only the hand histories themselves, but other, more subtle information contained in the file.

"What these players-turned-detectives noticed was that, starting with the third hand of the tournament, there was an observer who watched every subsequent hand played by the cheater," writes Levitt. "Interestingly, the cheater folded the first two hands before this observer showed up, then did not fold a single hand before the flop for the next 20 minutes, and then folded his hand pre-flop when another player had a pair of kings as hole cards! This sort of cheating went on throughout the tournament."

So the poker detectives turned their attention to this observer, Levitt recounts. They tracked his or her IP address and account name to the same set of servers that host Absolute Poker, and also, apparently, to a particular individual named Scott Tom, who seems to be a part-owner of Absolute Poker!

Assuming that the file sent to the player is correct, Levitt opines ".....an insider at the Absolute website had real-time access to all of the hole cards (it is not hard to believe that this capability would exist) and was relaying this information to an outside accomplice."

Levitt assumes that such conduct could result in prison time for those involved, and predicts that there could be commercial consequences for Absolute if it continues to blow off the allegations (something now corrected with the announcement of an independent audit).

Levitt correctly asserts that online poker is a game of trust — players send their money to a site believing that they will be playing a fair game, and trusting that the site will send them their winnings.

"If there is even a little bit of uncertainty about either one of those factors, there is no good reason for a player to choose that site over the many close substitutes that exist. If I ran Absolute Poker, I would take a lesson from past corporate attempts at cover ups, sacrifice the cheaters, and institute safeguards to prevent this ever happening again.

"The real lesson of this all, however, is probably the following: guys who aren’t that smart will figure out ways to cheat. And, with a little luck and the right data, folks who are a lot smarter will catch them doing it," Levitt concludes.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 10:52 | 显示全部楼层

出版:周四, 2007年10月18日mgowanbo.cc



kahnawake游戏专员朱montour宣布之后,出现的有关指控是否恰当,绝对扑克的行动中, kahnawake博彩委员会( kgc )打算调查私人持有的持牌人。

在一份书面声明中montour指出kgc将聘请独立的第三方,总部设在英国的游戏同伙,以进行审核。据了解,游戏,联营公司独家代理的测试所用的kgc 。

"这一周的管理不当的指称已提请注意[ kgc ] , "说montour 。 "我们已委任专家进行一次彻底的审计,任何情况下,提供调查结果和建议提交给委员会。

"审计工作将不会受到限制,以检验理论的循环,在互联网上的聊天室和论坛, " montour补充。

除其他指控,镓,无疑会,以核实证件,并在可能的解释如何赛事冠军称为potripper显然获得如此出奇的好结果-高达令人难以置信的1 5个标准偏差-在赛事。

与此同时,纽约时报再次汇报了这一事件,这一次是在一间时装这意味着有足够的争议,值得审计。作者史蒂芬四利维特标题:他的专栏版作品"绝对扑克作弊丑闻吹大开" ,并指出,结合一些令人难以置信的侦查工作,通过在线扑克球员和一个偶然( ? )数据泄漏绝对扑克有吹丑闻敞开的。

利维接着解释说,一些反对者已成为可疑的是如何在某球员[ potripper ]玩在绝对扑克邀请赛,仿佛明白了什么,他的对手的孔卡。

可疑的球员提供了一些例子,这些手中,如此离谱,几乎所有的严重扑克球员们确信作弊发生。一个球员的胜利被骗要求绝对扑克提供第一手的历史,从赛事,而不是通常的特定历史手头收到(也许是在错误) ,一个文件包含全面的私人资料说,扑克网站绝不会正常释放。



"这些球员变成侦探注意到的是,从第三手的比赛,有一种观察的人看了以后每手所起的骗子, "利维特写道。 "有趣的是,骗子折叠第一两只手在此之前,观察表明,当时没有褶皱单手前触发器,为下一个20分钟,然后折叠他的手前触发器时,另一球员进行了对国王作为洞卡!这种作弊接着整个比赛。 "


假设该文件发送到球员是正确的,利维认为… …一个内幕,在绝对网站实时访问所有的孔卡(它是不是很难相信,这方面的能力将存在) ,并被转述了这一信息向外部帮凶。 "

利维特假设这种行为可能导致在狱中的时间,那些参与,并预测表示,可以考虑在商业后果绝对的,如果它继续打击小康指控(东西,现在更正宣布独立审计) 。



"真正的教训,这一切,不过,大概是以下几点:球员,他们都没有这么聪明会想方设法挤出来欺骗。而且,一点运气和正确的数据,乡亲,他们是一个堑,长一智,将赶上他们这样做它, "利维说。
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