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New Interactive TV Show To Launch Soon

发表于 2007-10-19 09:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Thursday, October 18, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Weekly cash prizes of up to GBP 25 000 a feature

British pub quizzes are about to get a 21st-century makeover through an interactive television service starting next month, reports the Times Online.

Cash Inn, an interactive television quiz channel for pubs that can count comedian Jasper Carrott amongst its backers, is set to launch next month. Broadcasting every Sunday night, it will offer weekly cash prizes of up to GBP 25 000, with Laurel and Spirit, two of the UK’s biggest pub groups, reported to have agreed deals to receive the service.

As well as investing in the company behind the channel, Carrott will present the shows. Pub-goers with wireless keypads will relay their answers to the Cash Inn studio at ITN in London, where the channel will display the pub leaderboard and announce the winners.

Ian Payne, Laurel chairman and an investor in Cash Inn, said: “There will be a degree of interactivity that pubs have never had before. With all the problems the trade has had with things like the smoking ban, the industry needs something like this that we can get behind.”

It is hoped that as more pubs sign up to the channel, the prize pool will get bigger, much like bingo clubs with their linked, national games.

The new service was founded by technology consultant Paul Krisman. He is chief executive of Cash Inn’s parent company, Innterplay.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 10:54 | 显示全部楼层

出版:周四, 2007年10月18日mgowanbo.cc




以及投资于公司背后的渠道, carrott将于本说明。酒吧和尺度与无线键盘,将转告他们的答案,以现金客栈工作室在独立电视在首都伦敦,该频道将展示在该酒吧的领先者,并公布得奖名单。

伊恩佩恩,劳雷尔主席和投资者的现金客栈,说: "会有某种程度的互动即酒馆从未收到了。与所有问题,业界已与事物一样,禁烟,业界需要像这样做,我们才能得到后面。 "


这项新服务是由技术顾问保罗krisman 。他是行政长官的现金客栈的母公司, innterplay 。
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