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Oui To Online Gambling Liberalisation

发表于 2007-10-21 00:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Saturday, October 20, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

French gambling minister seems to like the idea

Whether it's the attentions of the European Commission seeking to ensure free passage of goods and services, good commercial sense or even an altruistic motivation, the French minister for the Interior Michele Alliot-Marie appeared to be taking a more reasonable approach to online gambling in France this week.

Forbes magazine reported that the minister wanted to liberalise online gambling, in order to allow French casinos "to be present in these new markets without lowering the level of vigilance that operators and the state must maintain on the quality and offering of games."

France is one country that enjoys a creaky state monopoly of the industry, thanks to the government-owned lottery Francaise des Jeux and the PMU betting organisation. Only the Francaise des Jeux and the PMU are currently allowed to operate online games of chance in France, which has led to pressure from European regulators concerned that international operators are being unfairly blocked from some markets. In July, European competition laws overturned a French ban on Maltese betting company Zeturf, a sign that frustrated foreign players were finally making themselves heard.

Francaise des Jeux and PMU have justified their stranglehold on the industry by claiming that gambling needs to be regulated and certified and that they are the bodies best able to do so.

In practice, it has given the state carte blanche to stifle competition in France, resulting in the high-profile and shocking arrests of executives from Austrian betting firm BWin last year.

The French may have embarked on a new course regarding the popular pastime. Recently, meetings have been held with European Commission representatives, and negotiations continue as reported in our earlier bulletins.

"The negative developments of last year, such as the arrests of the Bwin co-Chief Executives, have not been repeated," said SportingBet earlier this week, when gauging the improved situation in Europe.

"Indeed, it is symptomatic of the change in prevailing member state attitude that the French authorities, who initiated the arrests, spent mid-September discussing the liberalisation of its gambling regime with the European Commission."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
出版:周六, 2007年10月20日mgowanbo.cc



福布斯杂志报道说,部长要开放网上赌博,为了让法国赌场" ,并且向目前在这些新市场,保持较高的水平,警惕和经营,国家必须保持对质量,并提供游戏"

法国是一个国家,享有creaky国家垄断的行业,由于政府对国有彩票的法国号jeux和pmu的博彩机构。只有法国号jeux和pmu的,目前获准开办线上游戏的机会,在法国,这已导致压力来自欧洲监管部门关注的是国际运营商都受到了不公平的被封杀了一些市场。今年7月,欧洲竞争法,推翻了法国禁止马耳他博彩公司zeturf ,这意味着困扰外籍球员终于使自己的声音。




"消极事态发展的最后一年,如逮捕的布温报合作行政首长,而且没有被反复说: " sportingbet的本星期早些时候,当测出改善欧洲的情况。

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