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Harvard Poker Profs Study Legalisation

发表于 2007-10-23 23:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Top Harvard Law School professors have taken up the cause - legalisation of online poker.

Influential academics at Harvard are questioning the approach of the US Administration to online poker amid concerns that important legal principles - and the freedom of the Internet - are at stake.

The Boston Herald started the week with an article on the critical opinions of two top Harvard Law School professors who have taken up the legalisation of poker cause.

Professor Charles Nesson has become an outspoken advocate on behalf of online poker, blasting last year’s Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act crackdown, which banned online gambling financial transactions in the United States.

Nesson has teamed up with some of his law students to form the Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society, which held inaugural sessions last week.

Meanwhile, Professor Alan Dershowitz is helping defend an unidentified online entrepreneur facing charges related to an offshore sports betting site with which he was involved.

Important legal principles are at stake, the two men say - though they both also admit to being avid poker fans. And they’re not alone in their interest. Harvard Law this year offered its first-ever course in gaming law.

“The idea of Internet freedom is a core notion of modern political freedom,” Nesson said. The law professor first became interested in the game in 1981. On sabbatical, he was programming his new IBM computer, which came with a version of poker - five-card draw, jacks or better. As he tinkered with his computer, he got a close look at the bluffing algorithm and became entranced with the “elegance” of the game.

When online poker emerged years later, the Harvard professor became a fan of that too, enjoying both the challenge and the convenience. And he found himself “affronted” when poker and other forms of online gaming were banned last year in the United States after what he derides as a “midnight” vote in Congress.

Nesson contends that poker is a game of skill, not chance. Given that, poker tournaments, including online play, should be legalised, he feels.

Dershowitz is also a devoted poker fan. He plays in the summer with Larry David of “Seinfeld” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fame and he jokes that he knows it’s a game of skill since he is frequently bested by better players.

Like Nesson, Dershowitz contends that, under the same “game of skill” theory, online sports betting should be legalised. It is a belief he is now putting into practice as he tries to keep out of prison an executive charged with running an online sports betting business.

“It’s certainly not a game of chance,” Dershowitz said. “It is ridiculous to call either poker or sports betting a game of chance.”

The professors contend the ban passed by Congress last year is on shaky legal ground. In fact, the tiny Caribbean island nation of Antigua, home to a number of off-shore Internet gaming companies, has already successfully challenged the online gaming ban at the World Trade Organisation.

Nesson said his interest in poker extends beyond the game itself and the controversies surrounding Internet gaming.

“It’s really the poker way of thinking that is the most deeply intriguing thing to me,” Nesson said.

“The essence of poker is this business of seeing from the other person’s point of view. You have to figure out just where to stop.”

He believes the game of poker can be a great teaching tool by helping instill important analytical skills. “It’s so much the part of what legal thinking is about,” he said.

In fact, Nesson offers some unconventional advice to his students.

“If they want to do something useful in their outside time, they should play poker,” he said.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-23 23:21 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 11:08 | 显示全部楼层

出版:周二, 2007年10月23日mgowanbo.cc








"的思想,在互联网上的自由是一个核心概念的现代政治自由" , nesson说。法律教授首次成为有兴趣的游戏,在1981年。关于公休假,他的节目,他新的ibm电脑,其中一个版本的扑克-五张牌借鉴,杰克或更好。正如他修改他的电脑,他都仔细地审视各唬人算法,并成为entranced与"雅"的游戏。

当网上扑克出现年后,美国哈佛大学教授成了范的说,也都享有挑战和方便。他发现自己" affronted "时,扑克和其他形式的线上游戏被禁止,去年在美国后,他derides作为一个"子夜"的投票大会。


dershowitz也是一个专门扑克范。他可以在今年夏天与拉里大卫的" seinfeld "和"遏制你的热情" ,淡泊名利,他开玩笑说,他知道这是一个博弈的技巧,因为他经常获得最佳较佳的球员。

像nesson , dershowitz争辩说,根据同样的"游戏技巧"的理论,网上体育博彩合法化。它是一种信念,他现正在付诸实践,因为他竭力阻止从监狱里释放了一个行政被控以经营在线体育赌博业务。

"这绝对不是游戏的机会, " dershowitz说。 "这是荒谬的要求要么扑克或体育博彩游戏的机会"



"这真的是扑克的思维方式,这是最深刻的耐人寻味的事,对我来说, " nesson说。

" ,其实质扑克是这项业务的看到,从其他人的角度来看。你必须计算出在何处停止。 "

他认为,游戏扑克,可以成为一个伟大的教学工具,帮助灌输重要的分析技能。 "这是这么多的部分,有什么法律思维是, "他说。

事实上, nesson提供了一些非常规的意见,以他的学生。

"如果他们想要做一些有用的,他们在外面的时候,他们应该发挥扑克, "他说。
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