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WTO Compensation Decision Further Delayed

发表于 2007-10-25 01:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

December 14 is new deadline

The United States has secured a further delay in making decisions regarding compensation to fellow World Trade Organisation members impacted by its unilateral withdrawal of treaty obligations concerning gambling.

Representatives of Antigua, the European Union and five other nations expected negotiations to wrap up this week, but the Reuters news agency quotes US Trade Representative spokesperson Gretchen Hamel as saying: “In order to provide all parties with sufficient time to reach a successful resolution, the United States and the claimants have jointly agreed that these negotiations should be extended until December 14.”

Hamel revealed that each negotiation is proceeding at its own pace, and some are quite advanced. "However, we have agreed to extend the negotiation period for all claimants," she said.

Although full details are not yet known on the amount of compensation claimed, there has been media speculation that EU claims could run into billions of dollars following the commercial damage caused to European companies which were obliged to leave the US market in the wake of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act.

Antigua has publicised its demand that the US pay up $3.4 billion in the form of suspended copyright laws, a proposal on which the US has sugggested that around $500 000 would be more appropriate, which the islanders have rejected.

Reuters notes that Hamel suggested that Antigua seems to be the only country that is vigorously pursuing its claim, implying that EU representatives are not as committed.  Should agreement on compensation not be achieved, the issue will fall before WTO arbitration. Hamel suggested that there was a strong possibility that the other six nations with claims, including the EU, will settle upon what she termed "a reasonable solution."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 04:00 | 显示全部楼层
出版:周二, 2007年10月23日mgowanbo.cc



代表发言:安提瓜,欧洲联盟和其他五个国家,预计谈判,以结束这一周时间,但路透社援引美国贸易代表的发言人gretchen hamel以作为对他说: "为了使各方有足够的时间来达到顺利解决,美国与当事人有共同一致认为,这些谈判应该延长到12月14日。 "

hamel以显示每一个谈判正在按照自己的步调,有的也相当先进。 "不过,我们已同意延长谈判期限,所有声称, "她说。



路透社指出, hamel以建议安提瓜似乎是唯一的国家正在大力推行它的索赔,这意味着欧盟的代表并不如承诺。协议应当就补偿无法实现,这个问题将属于前世贸组织仲裁。 hamel以建议,有很强的可能性,即其他6个国家的索赔,包括欧盟,将定居后,她称之为"一个合理的解决办法。 "
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