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First Test For British TV Gambling Adverts

发表于 2007-10-26 01:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Thursday, October 25, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Ladbrokes new television ad to be scrutinised...after four complaints!

The more liberal British policy toward the advertising of gambling venues already has its first case, reports the Guardian newspaper. A TV ad for Ladbrokes is the first campaign to be investigated by the advertising watchdog since betting advertising laws were relaxed last month.

The high-profile TV campaign, which features ex-footballers Ian Wright, Lee Dixon, Chris Kamara, Ally McCoist and Jimmy Hill is the first by a bookmaker since new rules under the Gambling Act 2005 came into force on September 1 - allowing sports betting ads to run around sports events.

The Advertising Standards Authority launched an investigation of the GBP 5 million national campaign, which runs with the strapline, "Everyone's got an opinion, what's yours worth?", after receiving four complaints.

Viewers complained that the use of footballing celebrities might encourage young people to gamble, and that the ad plays on "male bravado and peer pressure" and could also "influence vulnerable people".

It will be the first campaign the ASA has investigated to see if it breaks the TV advertising gambling code, which has been developed by the Broadcast Committee on Advertising Practice.

A Ladbrokes spokesman said the company intended to "vigorously defend" its position and that the ad had not broken any rules.

The firm said the campaign was aimed at 18- to 34-year-old casual gamblers who bet occasionally on football rather than older betting shop customers who prefer to bet on racing.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 02:58 | 显示全部楼层
出版:周四, 2007年10月25日mgowanbo.cc

[图b ladbrokes新的电视广告必须经过严格审核… …经过4投诉! [ /乙]


高台电视广告计划,它的特点是前球星伊恩赖特,李迪克逊,克里斯卡马拉,盟友哈恩和麦山是第一次由一个赌注,因为新规则下的赌博行为, 2005年生效的9月1日-让体育博彩广告手忙脚乱体育赛事。

广告标准局展开调查,对英镑5000000全国性的运动,这也不符合strapline , "每个人的得到一个意见,有什么值得你" ?在接获四宗投诉。

观众抱怨说,利用足球明星可能会鼓励年轻人去赌博,并表示,专案扮演的"男虚张声势和同侪压力" ,也能"的影响,易受伤害的人" 。


1 ladbrokes发言人表示,该公司打算"的方针,大力捍卫"自己的立场,并认为广告没有违反任何规则。

该公司指出,这一运动的目的是在18 -3 4岁的临时工赌徒下注偶尔足球,而不是老年人的博彩店的顾客宁可投注赛马。
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