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Online Betting Downunder For Betfair

发表于 2007-10-30 06:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Monday, October 29, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Australia's New South Wales government considering a license

Online betting exchange firm Betfair could soon have an operating license for Internet gambling in the state of New South Wales, according to widespread reports in the Australian media Sunday.

The New South Wales government is apparently in discussions with the online gambling company's Aussie operations, which are half owned by James Packer's PBL company and already have a licence to operate in Tasmania.

Gaming and Racing Minister Graham West says around a quarter of the people who use the Betfair website come from NSW and the state may be missing out.

"Betfair is an Internet product, so because it is already licensed in an Australian jurisdiction, it is easy for people to jump online and use it," he said. "It is not a question of creating a new method, it is a question of how we get the best revenue out of that for NSW and especially the racing industry."

A spokesman for West later confirmed the state government was "examining how corporate bookmakers and betting exchanges, including Betfair, can be made to contribute to the NSW racing industry and to the government to help fund critical services like hospitals, schools and police".

The official Opposition in NSW says it is concerned about the government granting Betfair a licence. Gaming and racing spokesman George Souris claimed [that the betting exchange concept] is banned in 47 of the 50 leading thoroughbred racing countries in the world... and he is worried that the betting exchange system allows punters to bet on losing horses.

Betfair spokesman Andrew Twaits has defended the integrity of the gaming site. "We have the most transparent operating system of any waging operator anywhere in the world," he said.

ABC Online reported that NSW Premier Morris Iemma intervened to bring his Gaming and Racing Minister, Graham West, into discussion with the agency. West apparently told a budget estimates hearing that Iemma instructed him to tackle the issue.

The Premier's office refused to comment over the weekend on speculation that the half-owner of Betfair, James Packer's PBL, or associates on PBL's behalf, had lobbied the premier or his chief of staff to license the organisation in NSW.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-30 06:16 | 显示全部楼层

出版:周一, 2007年10月29日mgowanbo.cc





"必发,是一个互联网产品,因此,因为这是已经获准在澳洲的司法管辖权,这是很容易为人们跳转在线和使用它, "他说。 "问题不在于创造一种新的方法,这是一个问题,我们如何获得最佳的收入出来,为新南威尔士州,尤其是赛车业"

发言人西其后证实该国政府正在"进一步研究如何企业庄家和博彩交流,包括必发,可以作出贡献,以新南威尔士州赛车行业和政府,以协助基金的关键服务,如医院,学校和警方" 。

官方反对党,在新南威尔士州说,这是关心政府给予必发牌照。游戏和赛车发言人乔治合作者声称[博彩交易所的概念是禁止在47 50领先的纯血赛马国家,在世界上… …他是担心投注的汇率制度,允许赌客赌就失去马匹。

必发发言人郑家富twaits辩护完整的游戏网站。 "我们有最透明的操作系统,任何发动经营者在世界上任何地方, "他说。


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