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Rake-Back Restrictions On Playtech Affiliates

发表于 2007-10-30 06:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Monday, October 29, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

"Rake" site advertising verboten

Playtech's iPoker network seems to be applying restrictions on rake-back marketing involving its affiliates, judging by a recent email to affiliate marketers.

The communication reminds iPoker affiliates that in terms of clause 1 of the iPoker network policy, member cardrooms are not allowed to advertise their sites in "rake-back oriented" affiliate sites.

"These sites include any affiliate site that has the word "rake" in the URL, the email advises.”In addition, iPoker reserves the right to declare certain affiliates as "rake-back oriented".

"iPoker's operators will not be allowed to advertise their site in "rake-back oriented" affiliate sites. For the sake of clarity, any
affiliate site that has the word "rake" in the URL or in the name of the site will be deemed a "rake-back oriented affiliate site". iPoker reserves the right to declare certain affiliate websites as "rake-back oriented" and iPoker's operators will do their utmost to remove any related promotions from the site within 24 hours after receiving notifications from iPoker."

The email concludes by informing affiliates currently advertising iPoker on any rakeback or site that could conflict with iPoker's members that it is important that this is removed.

"If you have registered only your rakeback url with our affiliate program please can you update this and let us know where our banner will be located otherwise."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-30 06:20 | 显示全部楼层

出版:周一, 2007年10月29日mgowanbo.cc




"这些地点包括任何附属网站,有词"耙" ,在url ,电子邮件劝告"此外, ipoker储备有权宣布某些子公司为"耙回为本"的。

" ipoker的经营者,将不准刊登广告,他们的网站在"耙回为本"的附属网站。为清楚起见,任何
下属网站有词"耙" ,在网址或名称的网站,将被视为一个"耙回面向下属网站" 。 ipoker储备有权宣布某些子公司的网站为"耙回为本" ,并ipoker的运营商将尽最大努力,以消除任何相关的促销活动,从现场后的24小时内接到通知,从ipoker 。 "


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