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Motley Fool Cautiously Optimistic

发表于 2007-11-1 06:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Are online operators now coming up trumps?

The respected UK publication Motley Fool takes a cautiously optimistic view of online gambling stocks in an article by David Stevenson this week, who examines the post-UIGEA business environment one year on and asks: "Are the online operators now coming up trumps?"

In a well argued piece, Stevenson recaps the consequences to UK public companies of the unpopular American law, which triggered an exit from the lucrative US market of the big listed gaming companies with severe losses incurred all round.

In order to survive, the online operators had to re-invent themselves, writes Stevenson. Yet this week 888 Holdings was the latest web-based gaming company to unveil a winning hand with a 37 percent rise in third-quarter revenues, helped by new promotions and poor summer weather as more people stayed indoors.

The internet gambling firm is now focusing on revenue sharing deals in Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia. It's also stockpiled cash to make acquisitions in the European Union following a recent Italian sportsbook launch. And 888's online bingo operation, the only previous acquisition, has doubled profits within a year.

According to the company, trading in October was even stronger following the UK launch of a new TV advertising campaign.

Stevenson also points to last week's equally upbeat update from the world's biggest online gaming player PartyGaming, whose third-quarter revenue grew 24 percent. Despite poker revenues dropping 3 percent, the real winners were casino income with a 158 percent surge and sports betting, up 91 percent.

The company expressed confidence over the group's prospects both "for the full-year and beyond".

The Motley Fool piece also considers Sportingbet, which it characterises as worst hit of the big three in share price terms over the last two years. Last week the group revealed a two-thirds increase in gross European profits in the year to July, with its share of the gross win, the amount the company takes from the punter, rising by 48 percent and customer numbers increasing by 14 percent.

Reporting period timing differences meant that in Sportingbet's case, the one-off hit caused by the enforced US sale fell within the accounting year. Thus the headline numbers showed a pre-tax loss of GBP 312 million as turnover plummeted 35 percent to GBP 1.3 billion.

Trading across the Sportingbet group was significantly ahead of the previous year and was in line with management expectations, according to the company, which again is expanding into new European markets like Turkey and Italy.

That said, Stevenson has some cautionary comments: The first is that these companies need to find new markets....and not all fresh ventures will succeed. The European Commission has been putting pressure on EU member states to encourage more players and to allow a free market in gambling. The last thing the gaming industry wants to see is another US style clamp down. But there aren't too many guarantees on the regulation front.

Secondly, it's a tough online gaming world out there. Getting new players is increasingly hard. At some stage, growth will top out and any economic slowdown will hit online gaming just like everything else. What's more, the balance sheets have been shot to bits by the US legislators.

"But after huge relative under-performance against the FTA All Share index, ranging between 44 percent for 888 to 73 percent for Partygaming and 86 percent for Sportingbet, a recovery may be on the cards," writes Stevenson. "Greater confidence about future prospects is reflected in PER multiples of between 10 and 14 times prospective earnings. And some 'industry consolidation', i.e. a bit of takeover activity, wouldn't do sector share prices any harm either.

"For those who like a bit of risk, it could be worth a wager."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 06:47 | 显示全部楼层


尊敬的英国出版杂色傻瓜需持谨慎乐观的看法,线上赌博股在一篇由大卫史蒂文森这个星期,他们审查后uigea的营商环境,时隔一年,并问: "是网上经营者,现在来了,占尽优势? "


为了生存,网上经营者不得不重新发明自己,写史蒂文森。然而,这个星期888控股是最新的基于网络的游戏公司推出一款获奖的手,以37 %的增长,第三季度的总收入,主要得益于新的促销和穷人夏季天气为更多的人留在室内。



施文信还指出,在上周的同样乐观的更新,从世界上最大的在线游戏玩家partygaming的,其第三季度的财政收入增长了24 % 。尽管扑克收入下降3个百分点,真正的赢家都是赌场收入与158 %猛增和体育博彩,增长了91 % 。

该公司表示有信心超过该集团的前景都" ,为全年度及以后" 。

该杂色傻瓜这块也认为sportingbet的,它特有的,作为受灾最严重的三巨头股票价格计算,在过去两年中。上周,该小组发现其中三分之二的收入总额增加,欧洲盈利,在今年7月,其总值中的比重双赢,而这笔款项,该公司需从punter ,分别上升了48 %和客户数量增加了14 % 。

报告期时间差异意味着在sportingbet的的情况下,一次过击中所造成的强迫美国出售属于本会计年度。因此,标题数字显示,税前亏损英镑3.12亿营业额下降了35 % ,英镑13亿元。




" ,但经过大量的相对不足的表现,对自贸协定的所有股指数,幅度介乎百分之四十四为888至73 %的partygaming的,而86 %的sportingbet的,经济复苏可能会于卡上, "写的史蒂文森。 "更大的信心,对未来的前景是体现在每倍数介乎10至14倍的准收入等。和一些'产业整合' ,即有点收购活动中,不会做部门的股票价格有任何伤害的。

"对于那些想有点危险,它可以值得下注。 "
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