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Unibet Exec Slams Francaise Des Jeux

发表于 2007-11-1 06:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

French gaming monopoly hypocritical in explaining its involvement in Nylander arrest

With Unibet CEO Petter Nylander due to appear before a French judge today (Wednesday) following his arrest at Schipol airport last week, an official of the online gambling company came out with guns blazing against the actions of French gambling monopoly Francaise des Jeux, which instigated the circumstances leading to Nylander's arrest.

Western Europe manager for Unibet, Christophe Dhaisne, said that Francaise des Jeux has acted in a “hypocritical” manner in the issue.

Dhaisne was responding to a statement late last week from FdJ that the arrest of Petter Nylander was the result of the Unibet chief executive’s refusal to attend the original interview request made by the French authorities.

Dhaisne said: “The statement by Francaise des Jeux smacks of hypocrisy and is a public relations exercise. To claim that it is somehow the helpless victim of everything that has happened when it has been enforcing its monopoly status in France is the height of hypocrisy to say the least.”

The FdJ could not shed its responsibility for the part it played in Nylander’s arrest, because the complaint it made against Mr Bookmaker in 2003 is at the root of the Nylander arrest warrant, issued by a French judge, the Unibet manager added.

“The complaint comes from FdJ and [fellow monopolist] PMU and in the meantime Petter is the one who has had to spend two nights in detention," Dhaisne said. "The timing of the arrest is not good and has created political waves. From what we are hearing and in the current political context, Petter should be released once he has appeared before the judge, but of course you never know so we will have to wait to be sure.”

French government officials are currently trying to placate the European Commission by negotiating concessions in what was formerly a hard line and monopolistic approach to gambling in the country. The complaint against Mr. Bookmaker was based on 19th century protectionist French laws.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 06:52 | 显示全部楼层
unibet exec批评法国号jeux


与unibet首席执行官彼特nylander由于出现之前,法国法官今天(星期三)被捕后,在schipol机场上周,官方的线上赌博公司梳理出枪创新,对行动的法国赌博垄断法国号jeux ,其中唆使这种情况下导致nylander的逮捕。

西欧经理unibet ,克里斯托dhaisne时说,法国号jeux已采取了"虚伪"的方式问题。


dhaisne说: "这项声明是由法国号jeux嫌虚伪,是一个公关活动。以声称这是有点无奈的受害者,所发生的一切时,它已被强制执行其垄断地位,在法国是高度伪善至少可以这样说。 "

该fdj不能推卸责任的部分,它发挥的nylander的逮捕,因为投诉作出反对赌注,在2003年,是在根本的nylander逮捕证,发出由一位法国法官, unibet经理补充说。

"投诉来自fdj和[同乡垄断] pmu的,并在此期间彼特是一个人不得不花上两晚住在拘留所, " dhaisne说。 "的时机逮捕不大好,并创造了政治风波。从我们听到的和在当前的政治背景下,彼特应该被释放,一旦他出现在法官面前,但当然,你永远不知道,所以我们必须等待可以肯定的。 "

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