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Horserace Betting Via The Internet Launched

发表于 2007-11-3 09:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Friday, November 02, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

New Yorkers can place account wagers on horse races using TVG's patented Internet technology, thanks to legislative carve-outs.

The hypocrisy of online gambling legislation in the United States was again highlighted this week with the launch of a full-on Internet wagering platform for horseracing venue Yonkers Raceway by TVG Network, is a Los Angeles-based digital cable network that specialises in horse racing. Thanks to legislative carve-outs, the American political and moral stand on Internet gambling is not applied to horseracing, state lotteries or fantasy sports.

The online service provides a website through which registered New York residents can place account wagers on horse races using TVG's patented state-of-the-art Internet technology. Account holders also have access to race replays, free handicapping information, selections from TVG's horseracing experts and customised stable alerts featuring updated news on specific horses, jockeys, trainers and owners. A campaign to promote the service within New York State is expected before year's end.

"We are thrilled to work with Yonkers to deliver premium account wagering services to New Yorkers," said David Nathanson, senior vice president and general manager of TVG. "New York is the country's largest pari-mutuel wagering state, and is obviously an important market for horseracing, with devoted fans and great local tradition. This service will bring innovative new wagering options to New York customers and deliver significant benefits to industry participants."

In June, TVG reached an agreement with Yonkers Raceway to provide account wagering services on Yonkers' behalf to New York residents through a new account wagering system. Subsequently, TVG built, tested and received approval for its online system from the New York State Racing and Wagering Board on October 26, 2007.

"Changes in New York law enabled racetracks to expand their service offerings to customers through account wagering via the Internet, which is an exciting opportunity," said Robert Galterio, general manager of Yonkers Raceway. "In reviewing account wagering service providers, we concluded that TVG offered the highest quality products and services for customers in the New York market.

"Now that the new system has been approved by the Racing and Wagering Board, we're anticipating measurable growth through this new platform, which will benefit both racetracks and horsemen."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-3 09:22 | 显示全部楼层

2007年11月2日 博彩518 https://www.gowanbo.cc




"我们很高兴能够与yonkers交付溢价帐下注服务,以新的纽约人说: "大卫nathanson ,高级副总裁兼总经理tvg 。 "纽约是全国最大的帕里- mutuel下注的状态,显然是一个重要市场,赛马,专门与球迷和伟大的地方传统。这项服务将带来崭新的下注选择到纽约,客户和提供很大益处业参与者。 "

今年6月, tvg达成了一致, yonkers沟道提供帐号下注服务yonkers '的名义向纽约居民通过一个新的帐号下注系统。随后, tvg建造,测试,并获得批准,其在线系统,由美国纽约州的赛车下注局关于2007年10月26日。

"变化在纽约法,使赛马场,以扩大其服务客户通过账户下注,利用互联网,这是一个令人兴奋的机会,说: "罗伯特加尔泰里奥总经理yonkers滚。 "在审查帐户下注服务提供商,我们得出的结论是tvg提供最高质量的产品和服务,为客户在纽约上市。

"现在,新系统已获得核准,由赛车下注局,我们正在期待着可测量的增长,通过这一新的平台,这对双方都有好处赛马场和骑手。 "
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