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Online Gambling Academic Moves

发表于 2007-11-7 07:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 https://www.gowanbo.cc

Expert organised largest yet online gambling player study

Dr Jonathan Parke, the Nottingham Trent University academic who made an international name for himself handling for eCOGRA the largest survey yet on online gambling late last year is to move to Salford University.

Respected for his thoroughness and attention to detail, Parke holds a PhD in fruit machine gambling. He handled the complex eCOGRA study of over 11 000 respondents around the globe with aplomb, producing a highly detailed yet wide-ranging picture of gamblers' perspectives on the industry which is still frequently referenced.

Parke joins The Centre for the Study of Gambling at Salford University, where he has been appointed senior researcher and lecturer and will work with Professor Peter Collins.

“I would like to work with Peter to make gambling more accepted as an academic discipline and to take our quality empirical research out there to inform policy given that a lot of policy is currently decided in a vacuum,” Collins commented.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-7 11:33 | 显示全部楼层

2007年11月6日周二 https://www.gowanbo.cc


尊重他的彻底性,并注重细节, 帕克持有博士学位水果机赌博。他处理复杂ecogra研究超过11000个受访者在全球各地与沉着,产生了极其详细的,但广泛的了解赌徒的角度出发,对行业,这也是仍然经常引用。


"我想借此机会与彼得,使赌博更为人所接受,作为一个学术纪律,并采取我们拥有高素质的实证研究指出,有告知的政策考虑到了很多的政策是当前决定在真空中, "柯林斯评论。
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