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WTO Compensation Case Languishing

发表于 2007-11-8 06:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 https://www.gowanbo.cc

"I think they are having a difficult time not only with us but with the EC."

Referring to the December 14 delay in making decisions on its World Trade Organisation claim for compensation against the United States ) Antigua's lawyer Mark Mendel surmises that this may be caused by difficulties in negotiating a European Union deal.

Speaking to the Antigua Sun on the issue this week, Mendel said compensation negotiations were originally to be completed in September, but were first extended to October, then November 30 and currently into December.

Mendel said the issue was languishing - possibly because the Americans were having difficulties in reaching a deal with the 27 nation European Union which reportedly has demanded compensation worth billions of dollars. "I think its presenting them with more problems than they expected, although why they didn’t expect more problems I don’t understand,” he said.

The European Union, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, India, Macao and Japan have joined Antigua and Barbuda in filing claims. Mendel said that the process is not an easy one for the US. Thus far, he said, the Americans have been able to conclude a deal with Australia and may have reached an agreement with Japan. The other negotiations remain outstanding.

“Really, I think everything is stalled and I’m not precisely sure where it’s going to go,” Mendel said. The arbitration ruling on a separate claim by Antigua and Barbuda for US$3.4 billion in compensation for the non-compliance by the US with an earlier WTO ruling is scheduled to be released at the end of this month. Mendel expressed the opinion that that ruling is likely to have a major impact on the negotiations with other nations.

“If we get a pretty sizable figure, I think the European Community will be encouraged to take an even stronger line,” he said.

Meanwhile in Geneva, the Antiguan Finance Minister Dr. Errol Court kept the pressure on at a WTO trade policy review for the members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).

Minister Court told the review meeting that recent actions by the United States undermine the credibility of the body.

During his presentation, Dr. Cort stressed that the United States’ failure to comply with the WTO rulings and its announcement that it intends to withdraw its commitments in Internet gaming “undermines the credibility of the WTO system and may prove what some developing countries have feared; that the system only works to the benefit of the countries that are rich, large or powerful.”

He noted that the country’s diversification policy has not been without challenges, since service providers face substantial barriers to trade. As an example of this, he addressed the issue of Internet gaming and the impact the United States’ restrictions on the cross-border provision of these services has had on the sector.

Antigua and Barbuda has pledged continued commitment to the WTO’s multilateral process, despite what Dr. Cort described as the country’s “limited financial, human, technical and other resources, all of which exacerbate the challenge of implementing WTO agreements.”

Dr. Cort indicated that, notwithstanding the challenges, Antigua and Barbuda believes that trade should be a tool for sustainable growth, development and poverty reduction.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-8 10:59 | 显示全部楼层

2007年11月7日周三 https://www.gowanbo.cc

"我认为他们是有困难的时候,不仅与美,但随着欧共体" 。



孟德尔说,这个问题是憔悴-这可能是因为美国人有困难,在达成一项协议,与2 7个国家的欧洲联盟,据报已要求赔偿数十亿美元。 "我认为,其提交他们更麻烦,比他们预期的,虽然他们为什么不希望有更多的问题,我不明白, "他说。


"真的,我觉得一切都陷于停顿,我不正是肯定它在那里就此罢手, "孟德尔说。仲裁裁决,对一个单独的索赔,安提瓜和巴布达,为34亿美元的赔偿,为不遵守由美国与先前世贸组织的裁决预定将发表在本月底完成。孟德尔表示认为,这一裁决可能产生重大影响的谈判与其他国家。

"如果我们赢得了相当可观的数字,我认为,欧洲社会将受到鼓励后会采取一个更强大, "他说。

与此同时,在日内瓦期间,安提瓜财政部部长叶文errol法院保持压力,在世界贸易组织的贸易政策检讨为成员的东加勒比国家组织(东加组织) 。


在他的介绍,皮质醇博士强调说,美国不遵守世贸组织的裁决,并宣布它打算撤回自己的承诺,在网络游戏" ,损害了公信力的世贸组织体系,并可能证明什么有些发展中国家担心;该系统不仅工程,以造福于丰富的国家,大国还是强国" 。


安提瓜和巴布达已表示,将继续承诺遵守世贸组织的多边进程,尽管什么皮质醇博士形容为国家的"有限的财力,人力,技术和其他资源,所有这些都加剧的挑战,实施世贸组织协定" 。

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