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Top Online Gambling Brands Consolidated

发表于 2007-12-11 06:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Sunday, December 09, 2007 https://www.gowanbo.cc

Neptune Casino to swallow up Trident Lounge and Vegas USA

Two veteran and highly reputable brands in the Trident Entertainment online casino group, which merged with Carmen Media earlier this year , are to be consolidated into flagship brand King Neptune's Casino.

Carmen Media advised marketing affiliates of the move in an official memo this weekend, confirming that Trident Lounge and Vegas USA are no longer taking new players after a number of customers noted that they were being re-routed to the flagship brand and enquired about it.

In the memo, Carmen Media rationalises the move by advising that King Neptune's Casino has grown from strength to strength and therefore more focus and energy will be devoted to its marketing with the aim of  "....getting it ready to face the future and to become a recognised force in the marketplace."

The memo reveals that the first step is to direct all new players to King Neptunes at the expense of Trident Lounge and Vegas USA. Existing players on Trident Lounge and Vegas USA will not apparently be affected by this move at all and will continue to receive top service from the management.

Players were initially disappointed by the news, pointing out that it may have been better to simply close down the unwanted brands and transfer all players and their accumulated rewards and account balances to the flagship "...rather than leave existing players languishing with a slowly dying brand."

There was also criticism of the tardy manner in which Carmen Media had advised players - a full three days after the players themselves started asking questions about the re-directs.

Affiliates have been assured by Carmen Media that players they refer to the brands being consolidated which are subsequently redirected to King Neptune's will be accurately tracked to ensure they do not lose out. For now, existing players will continue to enjoy full play, promotions and services at Trident Lounge and Vegas USA, with referring affiliates receiving commission as usual.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-11 06:54 | 显示全部楼层
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