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Bwin Victory In German Online Sportsbetting

发表于 2007-12-15 08:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Friday, December 14, 2007 https://www.gowanbo.cc

Austrian-listed online betting group can operate in Germany

Gutsy Austrian betting group Bwin has achieved a qualified victory in its extensive litigation against German state protectionist moves, and can continue to offer sports betting in Germany with only minor restrictions after rulings by a German regional court were published this week, reports the Reuters news agency.

The company has been in legal conflict with several German state monopolies, and can now continue to operate in the former Communist East Germany under a licence issued days before German reunification in 1990, according to a court in the German state of Saxony.

The court ruled that this licence also covered arranging bets over the Internet, a decision which could undermine German plans to outlaw Internet gambling in new legislation planned to become effective next year.

"We welcome the decision because it confirms the license and makes clear that the planned [German] Gambling Law can't be realised," a spokesman for Bwin's German arm bwin e.K. said.

But the case didn't go entirely Bwin's way - disappointingly for the betting company, the court also said the license was not valid in the western part of the country - contradicting other courts in western German states which have deemed the license valid, and creating yet more confusion.

Bwin will have to request users to disclose where they are resident to make sure only East German users are allowed, according to the court's decision, which is final.

Bwin spokesmen said the company would obey the ruling but observed that western Germans could be diverted to Bwin's international web site bwin.com - which operates under a license issued by the British Overseas territory of Gibraltar.

Bwin.com's right to arrange sports bets with German-based users is also contested by German authorities but so far has not been definitively outlawed.

In a separate decision, the Saxon court endorsed a ban on Bwin.com in Saxony, where users can also alternatively use the German offering.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-15 10:03 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-17 08:03 | 显示全部楼层
Bwin Wins Another Round In Germany

Published: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 mgowanbo.cc

Austrian public company wins another round of German litigation

The way appears to be open for a resumption of online gambling activities in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg by Vienna listed gambling group Bwin, following a favourable judicial ruling this week, reports the Stuttgarter Nachrichten publication.

The Karlsruhe court ruled that Bwin Interactive Entertainment AG is allowed to accept wagers from customers in the German state, overturning a previous judgment forcing the company to stop accepting wagers. The latest ruling instructs that the previous order is not to be executed as such a regionally limited ban is technically not enforceable.

The fight is likely to continue, however as a spokesman told reporters that Baden-Wuerttemberg will appeal the court decision at the administrative court in Mannheim, Germany.

Bwin has around 2 million customers in Germany, and several hundred thousand of them are in Baden-Wuerttemberg, the newspaper revealed. The company has won a series of legal clashes with German authorities.

Earlier this week the European Gaming and Betting Association laid a formal complaint with the European Commission against an accord banning online gambling in the 16 states that make up modern Germany. EGBA represents most of the large European betting groups and is determined to ensure that European Union principles are respected.

Secretary General Sigrid Ligne told the BBC this week: "The official [German] claim is consumer protection and we feel that claim is unjustified."

"Why focus on internet gambling when traditional land-based offline gambling is being promoted in Germany?"

Ligne added: "We urge the Commission now to fast track our complaint and launch infringement proceedings against Germany."

The European Commission appears to support the view that the German legislation is incompatible with EU law, and has already warned the Germans and some other EU nations about prohibiting the free passage of goods and services.

The Commission insists it is not preventing any member state from its obligation to protect the public. Spokesman Oliver Drewes said the problem was that Germany, in common with certain other countries, is trying to restrict certain types of gambling while leaving others, particularly state lotteries, alone.

"You have to have the same rules for everybody and not a situation where different operators are treated in a different way," he said, adding that 10 EU member states were currently the subject of legal action on gambling, including Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Hungary.

"Prohibition is not and has never been a solution, be it in our sector or other sectors," EGBA chairman Norbert Teufelberger commented. "It is not a responsible approach and cannot be a substitute to an efficient gaming policy. Focusing on online gaming does not make sense when most recent peer-reviewed studies show that although online and offline gaming [have] different target audience, players' behaviour is similar whether online or offline."

He added that in a properly regulated environment, online gaming allows for higher transparency and technical and financial traceability.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-21 02:50 | 显示全部楼层
BWin Advertising Nationally In Argentina

According to the eGaming Review, Argentinian daily Clarin has been carrying BWin ads on its website.

BWin does have licence to operate in the Provincia de Misiones and is the second company to do so since Victor Chandler.

"Bwin has a license to operate from a provincial gaming board, but not from the national gaming authorities, so technically, under Argentine law they are not allowed to advertise in any provinces other than the one they have the license from, and certainly not nationally," Tim Phillips from Tamarind Media told eGR.

"However, if BWin has started to advertise with the largest media owner in Argentina, then for sure others will follow."

"For Bwin to have taken the risk, it must have felt able to do so. This could signal a change."
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-21 02:50 | 显示全部楼层



必赢是续伟德Victor Chandler之后第二家获得阿根廷许可的网络博彩公司,许可发自于阿根廷Misiones省。必赢此举也引起了阿根廷国内一些媒体界人士的看法,布宜诺斯艾利斯一家媒体公司就认为,必赢仅获得的是阿根廷一个省的博彩许可,不是国家颁发的许可。阿根廷法律不允许一家博彩公司在除了获得许可之外的省进行广告宣传,当然更不能在全国范围内宣传。如果必赢率先在阿根廷国内最大的媒体上做广告,那么其他网络博彩公司将可能照做。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-6 07:00 | 显示全部楼层
New Online Fantasy Football Game For Bwin

Swedish developer Jadestone makes Bwin its first customer for new game

Online gamers can test their international football selection and management skills with the launch of a new game at Bwin. The Vienna listed online gambling group has become the first client of Swedish developer Jadestone to operate a new online fantasy football game branded "European Manager".

European Manager allows players to build and manage a team from the best players in premier European football leagues.

"With the Bwin partnership, Jadestone has taken an important step in widening the market for its fantasy games offering," said the Stockholm-based company this week.

The launch of European Manager is a first trial effort, which will be jointly evaluated. If the test is successful, the companies will extend the offer.
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