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Online Poker: Playsafe Holdings stiffs 4 players and 2 Licensees

发表于 2007-12-23 02:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2007-12-21 博彩518 https://www.gowanbo.cc

The last thing the online poker industry needs is another scandal but at least 4 poker players of a former Playsafe Holdings licensee are not going to have a Happy Holiday this year after being pillaged by a Viking. It turns out that the publicly traded online poker company and turnkey software provider from Norway (Symbol: PLAY on Norwegian OTC) still seems to be stiffing players and at least one licensee with a second licensee reporting being stiffed as well. Playsafe Holdings owns ActionPoker.com, TigerGaming.com and online poker affiliate website WagerProfits.com.

Point-Spreads.com reported back in August 2007 that a former online poker licensee of Playsafe Holdings was getting stiffed on commissions/rake while online poker players were being refused payments. After our report circulated throughout the internet on several popular internet gambling websites, the licensee received the following instant message from Playsafe COO Ben Johansen on August 31st, 2007:

"You will receive a check for the commission earned on XXXX but client balances are my responsibility and will remain with me. Good Luck!"

Translation we will not be paying you, your players balances. To date, the licensee has not received the promised commission/rake and slow and no pay complaints are beginning to pile up.

"Our players were forced by Playsafe Holdings to re-install a Action Poker client on their desktops once we moved to a new poker network," stated the new owner of the first licensee being stiffed for close to one year. "So now our poker players are playing at Action Poker and are asking us to pay them instead of the people with their money, Playsafe!  Not only does this cause issues for our brand, it is tying up our support team."

Point-Spreads.com was able to get two stiffed online poker players paid earlier this month. One of the online poker players had this to say about our efforts on his behalf:

"TJ you must pack some clout my friend as he was full of apologies. My family and myself would like to thank you in advance, there will be a couple extra gifts for the grand kids this Xmas."

We were very happy to receive this email and it appeared that Playsafe Holdings was moving in the right direction, however Point-Spreads.com has recently learned that the second player who originally requested a wire transfer had his balance transferred to Action Poker instead of the promised wire transfer. One of our biggest original concerns with Playsafe Holdings is that they appear to be using licensee's marketing dollars to grow their client base by stealing their licensee's databases instead of spending money on marketing dollars themselves.

Our fears seemed to be put at ease when Playsafe COO Ben Johansen emailed us on September 19th, 2007 saying that "we don't accept US wagers" so learning that the second player from Chicago was placed in ActionPoker.com was a shock.

At least four other slow and/or no pays are being reported to Point-Spreads.com this month, making for a total of 7 online poker players getting the shaft. Here is a copy of one of the most recent email correspondence we have received from a disenchanted online poker player:

"Hello. I play at Action Poker and I've been waiting for my payout of $2,000....I know many players are in the same situation. What is your advise? Should I take legal steps or wait a bit more? And what can be done legally to protect the customers' rights? Thank you for your cooperation."

Point-Spreads.com has attempted to contact Ben Johansen as an open line of communication was thought to have been opened but all attempts have gone unanswered in the last 15 days. Meanwhile, Point-Spreads.com has learned of a second licensee having the same no pay experience with Playsafe. In an email correspondence, the second licensee stated that "Jeremy has been stalling me since April”.  Jeremy Brenes is the Licensee Manager of APG Enterprises Ltd of Costa Rica, a Playsafe Holdings company.

Online poker players, licensees, potential licensees and shareholders of Playsafe Holdings back in Norway should be made aware of what is transpiring hence the reason we are releasing this report. Anyone involved is urged to contact Point-Spreads.com immediately. Also, if any additional licensee's of Playsafe Holdings are experiencing problems obtaining commissions/rake should contact us immediately as well.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-23 02:35 | 显示全部楼层
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