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Malta Hits Back On Online Gambling

发表于 2008-2-20 06:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2008-02-19 博彩518

Tired of the brickbats, island jurisdiction straightens the record.

One of the better online gambling jurisdictions, Malta, has repudiated general sensationalist claims that the industry is unregulated and unscrupulous. The Malta Remote Gaming Council issued a statement this week, opining that online gambling is frequently portrayed in an alarmist and negative manner at odds with the facts, treating complex issues superficially and without, it often appears, sufficient research into the online gaming industry in Malta, its regulation and its participants.

The industry has become a useful contributor to the Maltese economy, and its professional regulatory structure and Eurocentric nature has attracted a substantial number of remote gaming operators, the statement adds.

"Every operator in Malta already adheres to a strict code of practice laid out in the Remote Gaming regulations governing such operators and the guidelines issued by the regulator, the Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LGA).

The statement reveals that the Malta Standards Authority (MSA), with the participation of the Malta Remote Gaming Council (MRGC) “and other respected entities” (which is believed to include the eCOGRA player protection and standards organisation) has developed a detailed and comprehensive standards document for the remote gaming industry which will be completed later this year (2008).

It added that a common and pervasive theme in the LGA regulations and MSA standards is one of corporate responsibility in terms of problem gambling and gave some examples that address the specific concerns that are often raised.

Age verification is already undertaken by all gaming operators who invest heavily in the use and development of services and processes that identify underage, vulnerable, problem and criminal players both during registration and ongoing through the life of the relationship with the player.  Advertising ethics and a professional code of conduct are well defined and deal specifically with avoiding inappropriate enticement of potentially vulnerable or underage visitors.

Self-exclusion and limit management facilities are in place on all LGA regulated online gambling sites, as is the training of customer support staff to identify problem gamblers and manage the exclusion processes and tools available.

All operators have clear and visible links to online help services as a standard feature on their websites and many operators deal with specialised responsible gaming agencies in Europe to train their staff to identify and guide players to appropriate help services where problems exist.

Many of the Malta licensed operators voluntarily contribute to research and development in problem gambling prevention, detection and treatment.

The council said Malta’s regulatory structure is designed to attract only those online gaming operators that are serious, well managed and responsible persons who undertake to provide safe, fair, secure and controlled operations.

The MRGC is comprised of stakeholders in the online gaming industry in Malta and said that as a focal point for the industry’s participants it would be keen to discuss these matters with any organisation that contributes to the understanding, prevention and treatment of gambling addiction.

A project is currently underway by MRGC to further improve the responsible gaming aspect of online gaming operations and it is negotiating with reputable global organisations for advisory services.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-20 06:43 | 显示全部楼层

信誉卓著的网上博彩司法管辖区马耳他否定了一般写煽情文章的人的声称网络博彩产业是不规范的和不择手段的。本周马耳他远程赌博委员会发布一个声明称,在网上赌博频繁地被刻画以轻事重报者和消极方式有分歧与事实, 对待复杂问题表面地和无, 它经常出现, 充足的研究入网上赌博产业在马耳他, 它的章程和它的参加者。

产业适合一个有用的贡献者对马尔他经济, 并且它的专业管理结构和Eurocentric 自然吸引了遥远的赌博操作员的一个坚固数字, 声明增加。

"每名操作员在马耳他已经遵守一严密的编码应用被计划在遥远的赌博章程治理这样操作员和指南由管理者、抽奖和赌博当局发布(LGA) 。

声明显露, 马耳他标准当局(MSA), 以马耳他遥远的赌博委员会(MRGC)"并且其它受尊敬的个体的" 参与(应该包括eCOGRA 球员保护和标准组织) 开发了一个详细和全面标准文件为将被完成得下半年的遥远的赌博产业(2008) 。

它补充说, 一个共同和弥漫的题材在LGA 章程和MSA 标准是一个公司责任根据问题赌博并且给出了表达具体询问经常提出的一些例子。

年龄证明由沉重投资在服务和过程用途和发展辨认不到年龄, 脆弱, 问题和犯罪球员在注册期间和持续通过关系生活与球员的所有赌博操作员已经承担。  给概念和专业品行规范做广告被定义和具体地很好应付避免潜在地脆弱或不到年龄的访客的不适当的诱惑。

自已排除和极限管理设施象用户支持职员训练辨认问题赌客和处理排除过程和工具可利用是到位在所有LGA 被调控的在网上赌博的站点, 。



理事会说的马耳他的管理结构被设计吸引唯一是严肃的那些网上赌博操作员, 很好被处理和同意提供安全, 公平, 安全和控制操作的负责任的人。

MRGC 包括赌金保管人在网上赌博产业在马耳他和说因为重点为产业的参加者它会是敏锐的与对赌博的瘾的理解、预防和治疗贡献的任一个组织讨论这些事。

项目当前是进行中由MRGC 进一步改进网上赌博操作的负责任的赌博方面并且它与名声好的全球性组织谈判为咨询服务。
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