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发表于 2011-5-8 02:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

德资本亚太有限公司的控股公司——凯朗尼国际有限公司进入印度博彩业,这一新闻引起行业内广泛关注,除了因为凯朗尼国际有着雄厚的实力、印度博彩业潜力巨大以外,还因为凯朗尼国际是全印度唯一一家经营 4D博彩的公司,发展空间广阔。

4D博彩是一种简单的机率中奖游戏。消费者只需从0000至9999的一万组4位数号码中挑选满意的数字,并投注。当消费者下注的4位数号码对中凯朗尼国际 4D 开彩的万字号码时,就能获得数目惊人的大奖。每期凯朗尼国际会从1万组号码开出23组号码,并开出以下奖项:首奖(1赔2500)、次奖(1赔 1000)、三奖(1赔500)、10份特别奖(1赔200)、10分安慰奖(1赔60)。据统计,4D博彩的中奖几率是万分之23,而6HC最高中奖几率也只有12,271,512 分之一,也就是说,4D博彩的中奖几率远比其他6HC来得高。

如今,凯朗尼国际是印度三家授权博彩业的其中一家,与印度锡金省政府达成长久合作关系,其在印度的投资也更透明化,并兼具说服力和公信力,也具有更多发展优势。凯朗尼国际最新的博彩业执照在十个省会执业,其中9个省内总人口为 217,899,236,并在其他省份的217,899,236人口中设立博彩投注站和自助投注机。此外,凯朗尼国际也会设立网上投注站点和电子流动投注机以便能更广泛及有效的推广给12亿印度民众。


 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-8 02:08 | 显示全部楼层
RCG Holdings Limited - Memorandum of Understanding

RCG Holdings Limited (AIM:RCG, HKSE:802), an international provider of biometric and RFID products and solution services with a primary focus in the Asia Pacific (Chicago Options: ^RASPUSD - news) markets, is pleased to announce that RCGSolutions Sdn Bhd ("RCGS"), a 55% owned subsidiary of the Company, has on 16 March 2011, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MoU")with United Sun Earth Scalar Energy Limited ("USESEL")with respect to the development of an online lottery system for the Government of Sikkim, India, called Sikkim Karani 4D Lottery (the "Project"). USESEL is a sales and marketing company for lottery and betting in India. Both USESEL, its shareholders and directors, and minority shareholders in RCGS are unconnected to RCG, its directors or major shareholders. Karani 4D Lottery is a simple game of probability in which individuals choose four numbers enabling them to win monetary prizes by matching their numbers to those drawn randomly. The terms of the Memorandum of Understanding are not legally binding on the parties.

The Government of Sikkimhas appointed USESEL as the marketing agent to promote a secure computerised online Karani lottery system. The Government of Sikkim in India intends to provide mass entertainment and will donate part of the lottery proceeds to support good causes, including health, education, infrastructure development, anti-poverty and other developmental programs in the region.

RCGS will provide technical expertise and equipment required for the Project, including technology and system design, supplies of hardware, software and infrastructure, and facilities to house the central computer systems required for the Project. By way of a revenue sharing arrangement, RCGS will receive a percentage of USESEL'S revenue, which will be mutually agreed at a later date.

Dato' Lee (SNP: ^LEEY - news) Boon Han, Chief Executive Officer of RCG, said: "We are pleased with the business development in India, which will provide an avenue for RCG to expand its footprint to another lucrative region. The Project will provide a stable and visible revenue stream for the Group and we are very excited at the prospect of working together with USESEL and the Government of Sikkim in India to implement our technology and solution."

RCG Holdings Limited
Tel: +852 3669 6999
Dato' Lee Boon Han, Chief Executive Officer
KC Chong, Chief Financial Officer

[email protected]
Evolution Securities Limited
(Nominated adviser and joint broker)
Nominated adviser: Tim Worlledge / Esther Lee
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7071 4300
Media (Xetra: 725292 - news) enquiries:
Abchurch Communications Limited
Henry Harrison-Topham / Joanne Shears
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7709
[email protected]

About RCG

RCG, a leading global provider of integrated biometrics and RFID security solutions, is publicly quoted and its shares are listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and admitted to trading on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE: LSE.L - news) and the PLUS market. The Company has an aggressive growth strategy with a clear focus on developing new applications and revenue streams for global roll-out, particularly in the security applications industry.
发表于 2011-5-10 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-7-3 22:34 | 显示全部楼层
very good!
发表于 2011-7-7 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
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