A debate arose over proposed wording that the IOM would act “on information or evidence” provided by other jurisdictions, with some legislators concerned that the phrase “on information” was too “elastic” and could lead to politically-motivated “fishing expeditions and malicious things.” For example, was hearsay considered ‘information’?
Another legislator questioned why the word “reciprocal” was not present, i.e. is this a one-way street, with other jurisdictions getting to investigate IOM individuals/companies and not the other way around?
这个立法的讨论很明显是针对扑克之星 PokerStars的。美国宣布赌博资金是违法的,但是在曼岛不是违法的。扑克之星违法吗?到底是否配合美国调查?说不清楚,道不明。
不过,扑克之星明显感觉到了一丝凉意。 |