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发表于 2011-7-20 03:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
澳大利亚的TABCORP与维多利亚省再次签订了12年的独家投注和博彩经营许可,到2012年8月份, 但是公司不会进入充满争议的博彩交易所市场。


目前只有必发 BETFAIR 在澳大利亚开设了博彩交易所,但是在该国的反响并不好。

TABCORP cool on exchange

TABCORP is unlikely to establish its own betting exchange, despite securing Victoria's new 12-year wagering and betting licence.

Although a provision allows it, Tabcorp chief executive David Attenborough talked down speculation the TAB would venture into the controversial betting exchange market.

"We have always had concerns about the integrity of betting exchanges and we are yet to see a betting exchange operate successfully in Victoria," Attenborough said.

The Victorian racing industry breathed a sigh of relief when Tabcorp, the established licence holder, won the bid to secure the new licence in August 2012.

There had been concerns that racing would struggle to maintain prizemoney levels once it lost its significant revenue from gaming that exists under the current agreement.

But Racing Minister Denis Napthine promised the income level would be maintained under the new agreement, which should ensure prizemoney remains healthy and open to increases.

He said the shortfall created by the loss of gaming revenue would be made up by various tax and other concessions to racing.

"It is up to the three racing codes to distribute the money but the provision is certainly there for greater prizemoney," Napthine said.

"There is no reason why prizemoney should not increase."

Racing will receive minimum aggregate amounts of $337 million (2013) and $342 million (2014) in the first two years of the new contract.

Attenborough said it was a balancing of the books that enabled Tabcorp to make up for the loss of gaming revenue.

"Now the government is better off and the racing industry is better off," he said.

Napthine said the provision for a betting exchange was an exciting opportunity for Tabcorp to diversify and generate greater income but conceded the decision on an exchange rested with the wagering giant.

Victoria Racing Club chief executive Dale Monteith echoed most in the racing industry in welcoming the state government's nod to Tabcorp.

"I was present at the birth of Tabcorp in 1994, so in that sense it's great to see the relationship continue," Monteith said.

"We have been assured that Victorian racing will be no worse off, and for racing's confidence going forward that is a good thing."
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