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Smart Live Casino 8月份优惠活动

发表于 2011-8-3 01:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This August at Smart Live Casino.

Another month has come bringing a range of fabulous and enticing promotions for all to enjoy.

This month our Live Casino players can win up to £1000 with our two £500 Prize Draws! We’re splitting the cash prize in two again to give two lucky SLC players the chance to win £500 each! With 2 exciting prize draws to match our impressive giant SLC cheque, Saturday’s guaranteed to be special at SLC.

Monday’s are also perking up thanks to SLC with our 100% deposit bonus every Monday for Live Games! Before you’ll know it will be Thank God it’s Monday!

Our Promotion of the Month is LUCKY SPINS!
Players can now win more or take back with our LUCKY SPINS!
Spun each hour by our lovely croupiers, players can either double their winnings or claim back lost stakes with an active bet!

We’ve not forgotten our Slot Lovers; they have an unbe-Wii-vable prize in store for them this month. Combining both Casino slot players and Vegas 3D slot players in a month long tournament, they will first test their skills to take their place with the Top 30 most wagered players then, secondly, their luck by having their username pulled out of a prize draw amongst the Top 30.

And Poker? Have you seen our new Welcome Bonus for players?? It is now the best in the industry, with a maximum of $2,500 which doesn’t depend on a player’s first deposit. Therefore, a playing depositing $20 could still earn the full $2,500 – A whopping 12,500% bonus!

We can also offer your players a no deposit bonus for poker if they take part in and win one of our daily quizzes. This is only for affiliated players though, and is not mentioned on the website so be sure to get your message across! All players who win also get invited to a monthly freeroll on the 15th of each month.

If you are interested in having a Poker Freeroll tournament for your players, please contact me at [email protected] and I will see what I can do!

With all that is going on at the moment, there has never been a better time to promote Smart Live Poker.


For more information or you simply want a sneak peek into other promotions we have up our sleeves, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our  website, email, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube account.

Until next month…

Smart Live Affiliates
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