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Betting System Notes

发表于 2011-9-15 17:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Justa quick email to say that our latest site, Betting System Notes, has nowlaunched its affiliate program and if you were interested in a Joint Venture, wecan offer you a 30% commission fee for all sales that you refer on if youchoose to partner with us.

BettingSystem Notes is a fully customisable online notepad / organiser where you canstore all your information for betting systems, strategies, trading rules andguidelines. Making them all instantly accessible at the click of a mouse,anytime, anywhere. We have also preloaded the software with 13 provenprofitable football trading strategies from www.tradingfootball.eu and arestarting to build up an entire library of trading / strategy ideas within thesite for all purchasers both in written and video form.

Togive you a bit of background, it is essentially an updated version of the oldBetnotes (Steve Ashley) product which you may be familiar with.  We wereworking with Steve last year, where we added value to his software with thetrading strategies, repackaged it and sold on at an increased price. Thisworked very well over the World Cup and the early part of the football season,sales were very good but unfortunately his software, excellent idea though itis, is written in old programming code that started to cause problems on newerMicrosoft operating systems and couldn’t be used at all on otherplatforms. Also we wanted to start to include multimedia and other newertechnologies so we have had our own web based version of the software writtenand this is what is included within the site.

Andnow we welcome our very latest addition to the site, MarketMatcher. This software will find potential trades on the day’s inplay football onBetfair by matching our proven profitable trading strategies with the up andcoming games. Or you can put in your own custom search criteria to fit your ownsystems or strategies and find games that way.  Either way, you find theselections you want, in seconds, first time, every time.

Nowtake all of the above and add into the mix some bonus trading strategies andsystems, exclusive content from a team of highly respected industryprofessionals and even some risk free profit ideas (from me!) too then you havethe complete money making portal right there at your fingertips every time yougo online.

Accessto the site is via one off fee of £39.99, which I believe is a perfect pricepoint for the functionality and content we have on offer (and are looking to addin the coming weeks, not just football we hasten to add).

Withhave already established a good customer base and all users of the olderproduct have been upgraded for free so everyone is in one place and again thiswould be a good showcase opportunity for your own services too with all thespin offs that can bring too of course.

Likewe say I am adding more content daily at the moment, with the emphasis on video/ education and professional content as I strongly believe this is the wayforward.

Ofcourse if you have any content / extras about your own service you wish toprovide then that would be great and we can create some dedicated pages to hostthis with link backs etc.

Hereis the link to the site and affiliate area:

Home Page

AffiliateSign Up (can put you on a special 30% lifetime commission rate)

AndI can provide any personalised content from the site with your affiliate linkembedded as you require.

Onething we could look at immediately would be a competition. We have also run acouple of very successful events with free access to the site as prizes. We dida Guess The Premiership Goals contest to start the season with which provedvery popular and we would be happy to do something similar via your sites / liststo get the ball rolling.

That’sabout it for now, any questions then just give me a shout and I look forward tohearing from you in the very near future.

Kind regards


Darren Hall - bet72.com - No Risk. No Catch. Just Good Maths.
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