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When to Fold Playing Online Poker

发表于 2007-4-12 06:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When playing at online poker sites one of the tougher things for players to do is fold. Everyone thinks they can draw to a winner or they think their top pair is always good. It gets even tougher to fold a good hand.

The reason you would fold a good hand is when you just know you are beat. Players hold onto pocket aces or pocket kings regardless of what comes up on the flop. Players hold onto losing hands even though they know they are probably behind in the hand. It is very difficult to fold sometimes in online poker but it is something you must learn to do if you want to be a successful online poker player.

When you have the second best hand at the online poker table you are going to lose more often than not. Recognizing that you need to fold this hand is one of the strengths of a good player. It takes guts to lay down a hand you know is a loser but sometimes it has to be done.

What we need to do when playing Texas Holdem poker at online poker sites is to not play those troublesome hands at all. A starting hand with an ace and a small kicker or a hand like K8 is just looking for trouble down the road. The kickers are just too weak to win a late hand showdown. Avoiding playing these starting hands is a good way to avoid trouble and avoiding having to fold a good, but not great hand.

When playing online poker you are not always going to know right away that your hand is weak, but after the flop you probably will have a better idea. The biggest problem that many players have is getting rid of what was a strong hand, but now has turned into a weak one. Remember those aces and kings we talked about earlier? If you happen to hit your set on the flop you are in great shape, but on the turn another flush card comes up that makes it four to a flush on the board. How good does that set look now? You are now almost assured that someone has the flush and you are beaten. You have to fold your set. It is not easy to do. Folding hands that should have been winners but now look like losers is one of the tougher things to do when playing poker.

Let’s say you have those aces again and the flop is 9, 10, Jack. You now have a straight possibility right off the bat and if the turn card is a 6, 7, 8, Queen, King or Ace then it is almost a given someone has a straight and your aces are done. You still might be ahead in the hand, but you are sure not going to feel very confident. If someone did hit the straight you have lost and will be throwing money away.

Folding is not an easy thing to do, but you have to recognize when you are probably holding the second best hand. Professionals seem to know this more often than average players. If you want to get to their level you always have to be aware of the board, and understand when you just have to fold.
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