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PPA Political Drive Completed (Update)

发表于 2007-10-26 01:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Thursday, October 25, 2007 mgowanbo.cc

Over 100 top players canvassed Washington politicians

The three day Poker Players' Alliance drive to persuade Washington politicians to legalise online poker ended this week, achieving good publicity coverage and leaving legislators with plenty of food for thought....and a few ruffled feathers among the horseracing fraternity, which enjoys legislative carve-outs on Internet wagering.

Some 100 poker players, most of whom were hand-picked by the Alliance, arrived on Capital Hill to meet with Congressmen and women.

Arguing his case in an interview with USA Today, John Pappas, the executive director of the PPA spoke about skill levels in poker, comparing the pastime with horserace betting. "The individual skill of the player determines the outcome, unlike betting on the horses or betting on the lottery," he said. "It's not an individual competing against the house, and that's an important distinction."

Horseracing fans didn't take kindly to the comment, with Michael Dempsey, who runs a handicapper website reacting aggressively in commenting that Pappas needed a lesson in gambling. "You are not 'competing against the house' in horse racing.  It's called PARI-MUTUEL wagering," he said. "If this ****** does not know the difference between the lottery and pari-mutuel wagering, the PPA is in big trouble.  And he pisses off horseplayers during Breeders' Cup week? Nice move!"

Elsewhere the influence of the PPA's 800 000 members created a more courteous reception, with some 45 politicians prepared to listen to arguments from the visitors. The players' goal for the fly-in was to boost support for a legislation that seeks to either license and regulate online gambling in the USA, or create exceptions for poker similar to those granted to state lotteries, horseracing, fantasy sports and "games of skill" like backgammon, mahjong and bridge.

Delegates attended a panel discussion titled "Poker, Public Policy, Politics, Skill and the Future of an American Tradition," featuring Harvard Law professor Charles Nesson, antitrust litigator Kenneth Adams, poker expert Howard Lederer, and Harvard law student Andrew Woods, founder of the Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society.

Talking about last year's Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, Lederer, a two-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner, said that the law had certainly had an impact, inconveniencing online poker players by disrupting financial transactions with online poker companies to some extent.

That's unfortunate, Lederer argued, because "yes, it can be used as a vice, but for most of us it's a wonderful form of entertainment that actually massages your mind, gets you thinking." He emphasised that the UIGEA does not specifically outlaw online poker games nationwide, but requires banks and payment processors to take certain steps to block transactions stemming from "unlawful" forms of gambling and, in some cases, would force Internet service providers to block access to offshore gambling sites.

"You know, seventy, 80 million people in America like to play poker, and they should have the right to do it on the internet, if they want," said Lederer.

But it's not always clear what forms of Internet gambling are "unlawful" from state to state--and how poker fits in, he opined. And payment processors seem to be playing it safe, opting to stop accepting transactions from online poker and bridge sites even when it's not clear laws are being broken.

"Poker players are simply being inconvenienced, and poker players who are in states where there is clearly no prohibition on poker are being inconvenienced," Lederer said. "And that inconvenience is going to get much worse."

Exacerbating the confusion, the U.S. Department of Treasury, still in the early stages of drafting the regulations that power UIGEA, had made no attempt to define what is considered "unlawful" gambling in its proposed regulations issued earlier this month. But it acknowledged that "overblocking" by banks may occur and the agency is soliciting comments on how to handle that.

Respected professional poker player Vanessa Russo said that a regulated online poker regime would be far preferable because it's easier to detect cheating and addictive behaviours that way. "The fact that all the websites are logged means you can program software to detect problem gamblers much more efficiently than you ever could in a live way," she said.

Poker champion Annie Duke opined: "You know, the last time I checked, the Constitution is supposed to protect your right to do what you want in the privacy of your own home when you're not hurting anybody."

Aides to Congressmen Frank and Wexler, who have bills in progress seeking to regulate or exempt online poker said that momentum was still building and the bills needed more support before being put to the vote.

Harvard Professor Charles Nesson said: "I think poker has tremendous educational utility for kids, I think it's a great family game,"

PPA leader John Pappas revealed that the pressure group plans to launch a voter registration drive next year with the hopes of signing up "single issue voters" who would be willing to vote against reelecting members of Congress who reject attempts to turn back the anti-online gambling law. The group is also encouraging members to post video testimonials about the "influence of online poker on our lives" on YouTube. Pappas urged understanding of the "true nature of poker and why this unique game of skill can have a positive influence on human behaviour and society."

There is no reason, Pappas insisted, why this "great American tradition, played around the kitchen table," should now be suspect because it is played in cyberspace.

Not everyone agrees. Dr. Guy Clark of the National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling is vehemently opposed to regulation, saying:  "If you legalize it, it just means more people will gamble, more become addicted. That's been the case with every kind of gambling in every community, in every state."

Early indications are that at least one politician was influenced by the project. One PPA delegate posted on the 2+2 portal that Representative Jim Moran of Virginia had agreed to co-sponsor the Frank and Wexler bills after listening to Annie Duke and Chris Ferguson.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 02:57 | 显示全部楼层
出版:周四, 2007年10月25日mgowanbo.cc

[图b超过100顶级球员征询华盛顿的政客们[ /乙]

为期3天的扑克选手联盟径说服华盛顿的政客们合法化在线扑克结束的这个星期,取得了良好的宣传范围,并留下立委很多耐人寻味的… …和几个怨艾羽毛,其中赛马界的代表,享有立法雕刻外,对互联网上下注。


争论的情况下,他在接受采访时,与今日美国报,约翰pappas ,执行主任的苯丙醇胺谈到的技能水平在扑克,比较消遣与赛马博彩。 "个人技术的球员决定的结果,不像投注马匹或投注彩票, "他说。 "这不是一个个别的竞针对房子,这就是一个重要的区别"

赛马球迷没有采取善意地向有何评论时,迈克尔dempsey的,他自己开了一个handicapper网站反应积极,在他评论说, pappas需要一个教训,在赌博。 "你是不是'竞争对家' ,在一个赛马。它的所谓帕里- mutuel下注, "他说。 "如果这******不知道之间的差额彩票和帕里- mutuel下注,苯丙醇胺是大麻烦。与他一齐起飞赛马在育种杯星期?不错! "

其他地方的影响以及苯丙醇胺的800000成员创造了更多的礼遇,与大约45个政客愿意听取论点,从参观者。球员的目标,为飞工作是加强支持一项立法,旨在要么许可和监管网上赌博在美国,或创造例外扑克那些类似给予国家彩票,赛马,幻想体育和"游戏技巧, "就像双陆,麻将和桥梁。

与会代表参加了小组讨论,题目是"扑克,公共政策,政治学,技能与未来的一个美国的传统, "具有哈佛大学法学教授查尔斯变厚,反托拉斯litigator丁亚当斯,扑克专家霍华德莱德罗,哈佛大学法律系学生黄宏发伍兹的创始人全球扑克战略思想的社会。


这是不幸的,莱德罗争辩,因为"是的,它可以用来作为副主席,但对于我们大多数人,这是一个美妙的娱乐形式,其实按摩,你的心,让你思考"他强调说, uigea上没有明文禁止网上扑克牌游戏在全国范围内,但要求银行和付款处理器采取某些步骤,以阻止交易产生的"非法"形式的赌博,并在某些情况下,将迫使互联网服务供应商,以阻止访问境外赌博网站。

"你知道,七十,有80万人在美国喜欢玩扑克牌,他们应该有权利这样做,它在因特网上,如果他们想,说: "莱德罗。

但是这并不总是很清楚何种形式的互联网赌博活动都是"非法" ,由国家对国家-以及如何扑克适应了,他认为。和付款处理器似乎是玩它的安全,选择不再接受交易,从网上扑克和桥址勘察中,甚至当它的不明确的法律相继打破。

"扑克玩家只是不便,和扑克选手的人的国家里,我们显然没有禁止扑克正在不便, "莱德罗说。 " ,并表示不便地区将会变得更为严重。 "

加剧了混乱,美国部,财政部,仍处于初期阶段,草拟规例的权力uigea ,已经没有试图界定什么是被视为"非法"赌博在其建议中的规例发出本月初。但它承认, " overblocking " ,由银行可能发生的与该机构是征求意见,就如何处理好这一点。

尊重专业扑克选手瓦内萨说,俄认为,规范的网上扑克制度将成为迄今为止最好,因为它比较容易侦测作弊和令人上瘾的行为方式。 "事实上,所有的网站都登录意味着你可以编程软件,以侦测问题赌徒的效率远远高于以往,你可以在现场直播的方式, "她说。

扑克冠军安妮杜克认为: "大家都知道,我最后一次检查中,宪法是用来保护你的权利这样做你想要做在隐私,你自己的家,当你不伤害任何人。 "

幕僚国会议员弗兰克和wexler ,他们的法案在追求进步的规范或豁免网上扑克说,这一势头仍在建设和法案,需要更多的支持,然后才付诸表决。

哈佛教授查尔斯进而说: "我认为扑克具有巨大的教育事业,为孩子们,我认为这是一个伟大的家庭游戏"

苯丙醇胺领导人约翰pappas显示,压力团体计划发起的选民登记运动,在未来一年,希望签订了"单一议题选民"谁愿意投反对票的换届的国会议员反对企图把回防在线赌博法。工作组还鼓励成员邮政视频听证会的有关"影响力的在线扑克对我们生活的"关于youtube 。 pappas敦促理解"的真正性质扑克以及为什么这一独特的游戏技巧,才能有积极的影响,对人类的行为和社会"

因而是没有任何理由, pappas坚持,所以这个"伟大的美国传统,发挥各地的厨房桌上, "现在应该怀疑,因为它是发挥在网络空间。

并不是每个人都同意。叶文家伙克拉克的全国联合打击赌博合法化是极力反对,以规管,他们说: "如果你合法化,它只是意味着更多的人会不赌博,更成为上瘾。这一直如此,每一种赌博活动,在每一个社会中,每一个国家。 "

早期迹象均显示,至少有一名政治家的影响,由项目。一苯丙醇胺授张贴于2 +2门户代表吉姆莫兰维吉尼亚已同意共同主办坦率和wexler法案听完安妮公爵和克里斯弗格森。
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