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PPA Increases Pressure On Two U.S. States

发表于 2007-11-4 04:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Published: Saturday, November 03, 2007 https://www.gowanbo.cc

Kentucky and Massachusetts targeted for legalised online poker

Using its political savvy, the Poker Players' Alliance is making sure its voice is heard at a time when state politicians in Massachusetts and Kentucky are most likely to listen - election time.

In Kentucky, Governor Ernie Fletcher's election-year nixing of a proposed referendum on the issue of casino and poker gaming has made the state's poker players a fertile ground for the PPA's grass roots campaign to legalise the game, and the pressure group can take at least some of the credit for the fact that over a thousand pro-poker letters and phone calls from concerned poker players have flooded the offices of the governor and other state representatives.

"Governor Fletcher is running not on his achievements of the past four years, but on a campaign of distraction," said PPA Kentucky State Director Rich Muny. "In the process, Fletcher has demonized the good folks who enjoy the game of poker."

Muny pointed out that Indiana has cardrooms built right on Kentucky's borders, as do other states.

"Kentucky deserves to keep this revenue in our own state for the benefit of our own citizens," he said. "Additionally, our citizens deserve the freedom to choose to play a hand of poker."

Muny encouraged poker supporters to continue to make their views known to Governor Fletcher at (502) 607-8683 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Massachusetts is another battleground chosen by the PPA, with a campaign starting this week for the right to play poker online.

Governor Deval Patrick recently proposed Bill H.4307 which, whilst expanding land casino gambling in the state makes it an offence to play poker over the Internet. Under the anti-poker provision, offenders could be subject to a maximum term of two years in a house of correction, a fine of $25 000, or both.

"Ironically, H.4307 is pro-casino gambling legislation, yet it makes Internet gaming a crime," said Randy Castonguay, PPA Massachusetts state director. "This is an unacceptable double standard!"

Again, Massachusetts online poker fans who want to see the game legalised have been urged to make their voices heard by their elected officials.

"We need your help and ask that you send letters to Governor Deval Patrick, your local State Representative and your State Senator," Castonguay said.

"We have provided a standard letter which will automatically be sent to the above politicians. We encourage you to personalize the letter by adding your own comments. We cannot stress enough how important it is for you to make your voice heard."
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-4 04:15 | 显示全部楼层

2007年11月3日周六 博彩518 https://www.gowanbo.cc




"总督弗莱彻运行没有对他的成就只能说明过去四年,但对一项运动的分心,说: "PPA肯塔基州总丰富muny 。 "在这个过程中,弗莱彻已被妖魔化的好乡亲,他们享受的游戏扑克。 "


"肯塔基州,不愧为保持这一收入在我们自己的国家为造福于我们自己的公民, "他说。 "此外,我们的公民应有选择的自由发挥的手扑克。 "

muny鼓励扑克支持者继续提出意见,以总督弗莱彻在( 502 ) 607-8683 ,或透过电子邮件[email protected]


总督deval帕特里克最近提出的条例草案h.4307其中,而扩大土地的赌场赌博,在国家对构成犯罪发挥扑克通过互联网进行交易。根据反扑克的规定,违例者可受到最长任期为两年,在一所房子的改正,可处罚款$ 25000 ,或两者兼而有之。

"讽刺的是, h.4307是亲赌场赌博法例,但也使得网络游戏犯罪的,说: "兰迪castonguay ,PPA马萨诸塞州主任。 "这是一个不能接受双重标准! "


"我们需要你们的帮助,并请您发信给总督deval帕特里克,你的地方国家代表和贵国参议员, " castonguay说。

"我们已经提供了一个标准的信件将被自动传送到上述政客。我们鼓励你以个性化的文字,加入自己的意见。我们不能强调不够多么重要,它是给你,使你的声音被听到。 "
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